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Yang et al. Hepatoma Res 2016;2:300-4                                Hepatoma Research
           DOI: 10.20517/2394-5079.2016.10
             Case Report                                                                        Open Access

           Aggressive primary hepatic histiocytic

           sarcoma: case report and literature review

           Guang Yang , Jeremy Deisch , Haixia Qin , Craig Zuppan , Anwar S. Raza 1
           1 Department of Pathology, Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, CA 92354, USA
           2 Department of Medicine, Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, CA 92354, USA
           Correspondence to: Dr. Anwar S. Raza, Department of Pathology, Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, CA 92354, USA.
           How to cite this article: Yang G, Deisch J, Qin H, Zuppan C, Raza AS. Aggressive primary hepatic histiocytic sarcoma:  case report and literature
           review. Hepatoma Res 2016;2:300-4.
            Article history:             Histiocytic sarcoma is an uncommon non-Langerhans histiocyte disorder of mature tissue
            Received: 07-04-2016         histiocytes. The authors presented an example of this rare tumor in a 14-year-old girl who
            Accepted: 14-10-2016         presented with left upper quadrant pain, loss of appetite, and weight loss. A large 18 cm × 10 cm
            Published: 07-11-2016        heterogeneous solid and cystic enhancing mass was found in the left lobe of the liver. Based on
                                         the histomorphology and positivity for histiocyte-specific markers in a needle biopsy, a diagnosis
            Key words:                   of histiocytic sarcoma was made. Chemotherapy was initiated, but the tumor did not respond
            Histiocytic sarcoma,         well, and she died about 7 weeks following initial diagnosis with multi-organ failure. At autopsy,
            hepatic neoplasms,           the tumor showed extensive necrosis, with no evidence of metastatic spread. In conclusion, the
            liver                        diagnosis of histiocytic sarcoma is challenging, and requires a high index of suspicion, with an
                                         appropriate panel of confirmatory immunohistochemical stains. Recognition of this rare tumor
                                         is important because of its poor response to chemotherapy and high mortality.

           INTRODUCTION                                       large  B-cell  lymphoma  and anaplastic  large  cell
                                                              lymphoma. [2]
           Histiocytic sarcoma (HS) is an extremely uncommon
           neoplasm  with morphologic  and immunophenotypic   HS is an extremely  aggressive  neoplasm  and
           characteristics of  mature histiocytes. It  is believed   responds poorly to regular therapy; most patients die of
           that HS originates  from monocytes/macrophages,    progressive disease, in part related to the high clinical
           which are critical in the processing and presentation of
           antigens to T cells or B cells. [1]                stage (stage III/IV) at presentation in the majority of
                                                              patients.  The most common affected site of HS is in
           Before the application  of immunohistochemical     lymph nodes, followed by different extranodal locations
           techniques  and the availability of molecular  genetic   such as the gastrointestinal tract, spleen, soft tissue
           tools, HS was occasionally diagnosed.  It  is now   and skin.
           generally recognized however that the majority of the
           previously diagnosed HS cases are actually examples   Herein, we describe a child with an aggressive primary
           of non-Hodgkin lymphomas, most of which are diffuse   hepatic histiocytic sarcoma who responded poorly to
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            non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

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