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Yang et al.                                                                                                                                                           Aggressive primary hepatic histiocytic sarcoma

            A                                                  A

            B                                                  B

           Figure 1: Abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (A: coronal;   Figure 2: (A) Tumor cells comprising of primarily epithelioid cells
           B: axial) revealed an 18.3 cm large heterogeneous enhancing   with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, pleomorphic nuclei with open
           mass with cystic components arising from the left hepatic lobe with   vesicular chromatin and prominent nucleoli; (B) Mitotic figures were
           associated mass effect                             easily found in the tumor. HE, ×40
           multiple rounds of chemotherapy and passed away 7   upper quadrant [Figure 1].
           weeks after initial diagnosis.
                                                              Laparoscopic liver needle biopsy was performed and
           To the best of our knowledge,  only three primary   showed a tumor of primarily epithelioid cells with areas
           hepatic HS cases have been previously reported in the   of spindling also present. The lesional cells contained
           English  literature. [4-6]  Recognition of this type of rare   abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and nuclei with open
           tumor is important, due to its limited responsiveness to   vesicular chromatin and prominent nucleoli. Prominent
           conventional chemotherapy and high mortality.      nuclear pleomorphism and elevated mitotic index were
                                                              also identified [Figure 2]. A subsequent perihepatic fine
           CASE REPORT                                        needle  aspiration biopsy  and cell block of the tumor
                                                              similarly showed a poorly differentiated neoplasm with
           A 14-year-old previously healthy young girl presented   epithelioid and spindle cell features in a background of
           with left upper quadrant pain, loss of appetite and weight   fibrin and blood [Figure 3].
           loss for one month. An abdominal ultrasound showed a
           large heterogeneous solid and cystic appearing mass in   Immunohistochemical  studies showed  no staining
           the mid abdomen, measuring 18.3 cm × 10 cm, arising   with markers for epithelial, lymphomatous, germ cell,
           from the liver with associated mass effect and surrounding   rhabdomyosarcoma,  melanoma,  gastrointestinal
           increased vascularity. Computed tomography (CT) scan   stromal or neuroendocrine tumors, or for Langerhans
           of the abdomen and pelvis and magnetic resonance   cell histiocytosis, including  CK cocktail, CAM5.2,
           imaging revealed similar findings, with marked regional   EMA, CD15, PAX-5, CD45, CD43, CD3, CD5, ALK1,
           mass effect, including on the hepatic inferior vena cava   Factor  XIIIa,  CD31, CD23, CD35, SALL-4, CD117,
           and stomach, with extracapsular extension into the left   desmin, myogenin,  SMA, melanoma  cocktail, S-100,

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