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Shen et al.                                                                                                                                                    Evaluation of microRNAs normalization approaches

           been broadly used to identify miRNA biomarkers in   PCR arrays, miScript, QIAGEN) and SYBR Green
           order to better understand the effects of carcinogenic   detection. The normalization for miRNA levels usually
           exposure, pathogenesis, and cancer risk, as well   uses “housekeeping” transcripts, i.e. a reference-
           as for early diagnosis and prognostic prediction.   gene-based method. Because no universal references
           Currently, over 100 mature miRNAs have been found   have been accepted by all researches, a variety of
           to be dysregulated in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)   endogenous or exogenous transcripts have been
           tissues or blood. [3,4]  Many are also associated with   selected as references by different microarray and
           various HCC risk factors, such as hepatitis B/C virus   qPCR assays for data normalization. TLDA includes
           infection, [5,6]  aflatoxin B1 exposure,  alcohol drinking,   a total of 5 endogenous controls (U6 snRNA, RNU44,
           non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or non-alcoholic   RNU48, RNU24 and MammU6) and miScript uses
           steatohepatitis. [8-10]  However, only a small proportion   spike in cel-miR-39 and 6 references (SNORD61,
           of miRNAs (miR-1, miR-9, miR-16, miR-18a, miR-     SNORD68, SNORD72, SNORD95, SNORD96A and
           21, miR-92a, miR-101, miR-122, miR-199a, miR-221,   RNU6B/RNU6-2) as normalizers, while miRCURY
           miR-222/223/224, miR-375, miR-483-5p)  [11,12]  were   recommends 5 most stable miRNAs (hsa-let-7i-
           consistently confirmed by different studies for their   5p, hsa-miR-222-3p, hsa-miR-425-5p, hsa-miR-93-
           role in hepatocarcinogenesis. [13,14]  These discrepant   5p, hsa-miR-152) as endogenous references, rather
           results may be attributed to a variety of factors   than small RNA species (snoRNA and snRNA). Even
           that potentially impact miRNA patterns but differ by   using the same microarray, different studies may
           studies. These factors include the difference in study   artificially select various numbers of references to
           design (cross-sectional, retrospective or prospective);   normalize their results. One study applied miScript
           heterogeneity of cancer patients (tumor types, stages,   array to profile expression of 84 miRNAs in hepatitis
           progression, treatment, hepatitis B, C or mixed viral   B virus-related HCC and controls, but only used 2
           etiologies); comparison groups (healthy or hepatitis   (SNORD61, RNU6-2) out of 6 snRNAs and spiked in
           infection controls or non-tumor tissues); types of   cel-miR-39 as the normalizer to standardize miRNAs
           biospecimens (fresh, frozen or formalin-fixed, paraffin-  expression. [16]  Another study examined miRNAs in
           embedded tissue, serum, plasma, or exosome); and   HCC patients and matched controls by the miRCURY
           variations in sample collection, preservation and   assay using the median of 50% quantile intensity to
           processing. Differences of RNA isolation assays, the   normalize data. [12]  Seven published studies including
           input RNA quantity/quality and detection methods can   ours have screened miRNA profiles by TLDA in
           also impact miRNA expression levels.               either HCC tissue or serum/plasma. Two used four
                                                              endogenous controls (U6 snRNA, RNU24, RNU44
           Even if a careful study design is used and consistent   and RNU48) to normalize target miRNA expression in
           implementation is applied to pre-analytical and    HCC tissues; [17,18]  four studies only used one reference
           analytical procedures, different methods and       (U6 snRNA [11,19,20]  or RNU48); [21]  and one study did not
           “housekeeping” transcripts used to normalize miRNA   indicate the reference. [22]  More importantly, whether
           expression levels may also bias the results and lead   those endogenous normalizers are stable among
           to misinterpretation of the biological role of miRNAs   tested samples is unknown. [11,17-22]
           in tumorigenesis. The purpose of normalization is
           to remove as much non-biological variations as     Global normalization is another strategy which uses
           possible to ensure accurate miRNA results within or   either the mean or median of detectable miRNAs
           between experiments. [15]  Therefore, how to select an   in each sample as the calibrator to adjust miRNA
           appropriate normalizer to adjust miRNA expression   expression profiles; this method is adopted from
           profiles are crucial to obtaining comparable results.   mRNA microarray data normalization protocols. [23]
           This is particularly important for epidemiological   It is assumed that the mean or the median level of
           studies dealing with large data sets usually covering   global or most miRNAs is constant across different
           multiple experimental batches.                     tissues or conditions. [24]  Although many studies
                                                              have demonstrated the advantages of using global
           The most common methods to quantitate miRNA        normalization, [23,25]  the total number of detectable
           levels are quantitative real-time polymerase chain   miRNAs are much less than mRNAs, which makes
           reaction (qPCR) and hybridization microarrays. The   it susceptible to extreme values and may bias
           methods apply stem-loop reverse transcription and   miRNAs expression patterns. [15,26]  In addition, large
           TaqMan probes (TaqMan low density arrays, TLDA,    epidemiological studies usually require independent
           Life Technologies) or locked nucleic acid (LNA)    validation for a limited number of miRNAs identified
           primers (miRCURY LNA™ miRNA arrays, miRCURY,       in a discovery set. Practically, it is also not feasible to
           Exiqon) or poly (A)-tailed primers (miScript miRNA   use global miRNA profiles to normalize expression of
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