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Shen et al.                                                                                                                                                    Evaluation of microRNAs normalization approaches

           A                                                 B

                             -Log10 (P-values) 0      1       2       3       4      5       6       7                   -Log10 (P-values) 0         1          2           3         4         5

                 -4                      -2                       0                       2                   -2                      0                       2                      4
                                                Log2 (Fold-change)                                 Log2 (Fold-change)
           C                                                 D

                             -Log10 (P-values) 0         1          2           3         4         5                          -Log10 (P-values) 0         1         2         3        4         5

                                  -2                      0                       2                      4                   -2                       0                       2                       4
                                               Log2 (Fold-change)                                 Log2 (Fold-change)

           Figure 1: Volcano plots of the microRNAs (miRNAs) with significant (P < 0.001) over 2-fold expression changes in hepatocellular carcinoma
           (HCC) tumor compared to nontumor tissues. (A) There were more downregulated miRNAs aberrantly expressed in HCC tumor tissue with
           only 3 miRNAs significantly up-regulated if using 3 endogenous controls (U6 snRNA, RNU44 and RNU48) as the normalize; (B) Expression
           of 26 miRNAs (17 upregulated and 9 downregulated) significantly differed between tumor and non-tumor tissues; (C) Seventeen miRNAs
           were aberrantly expressed in HCC tumor tissue using 2 stable miRNAs (miR-30c and miR-30b) identified by geNorm tool as the normalize;
           (D) Twenty miRNAs were significantly deregulated in HCC tumor tissues using 2 stable miRNAs (miR-30c and miR-126) identified by
           NormFinder tool as the normalizer. The overall expression patterns of miRNAs in (B, C and D) were similar but different from (A) with many
           more down-regulated miRNAs

           miRNAs with over 2-fold changes between HCC        only 1 or 2 misclassifications. The later three panels
           tumor and non-tumor tissues [Supplementary Table 6,   consisting of 17 to 26 aberrant miRNAs contained
           Figure 1D]. Half were upregulated 2- to 17-fold, and   many fewer miRNAs than that using 3 endogenous
           the others were downregulated 2- to 5-fold in HCC   controls as the normalizer, suggesting a more efficient
           tumor tissue. Thus, the identified miRNA panels varied   panel of HCC classification.
           with the different normalization strategies.
                                                              Consistence of identified miRNAs by different
           Comparisons of different miRNA panels in           normalizers
           classification of HCC status                       Using InteractiVenn to compare different panels of
           The hierarchical clustering and heat map showed    miRNAs dysregulated in HCC, we found that most
           that a panel of 46 significant miRNAs could well   miRNAs identified using the mean of miRNAs overlapped
           distinguish HCC tumor from non-tumor tissues       with those identified when using 2 stable miRNAs
           using 3 endogenous controls as the normalizer      as the normalizer [Supplementary Figure 2A]. There
           [Figure 2]. Only 1 tumor and 1 non-tumor tissue    were, respectively 14 (54%) and 18 (69%) miRNAs
           were misclassified. Similarly, the other 3 panels of   consistent with the 26 significant miRNAs identified
           miRNAs identified using as normalizers the mean of   from the global mean analysis. A total of 14 miRNAs
           all miRNAs or the 2 most stable miRNAs also well   (miR-196b, miR-183, miR-182, miR-10b#, miR-18a,
           classified HCC tumor from non-tumor tissues with   miR-106a, miR-139-5p, miR-144#, miR-214, miR-

                           Hepatoma Research ¦ Volume 2 ¦ November 18, 2016                               309
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