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Shen et al.                                                                                                                                                    Evaluation of microRNAs normalization approaches

           candidate miRNAs.                                  the American Joint Committee on Cancer criteria. [31]
                                                              To insure adjacent non-tumor tissue did not contain
           Measurement of miRNAs by qPCR is considered        any tumor cells, tissue sections were cut from frozen
           the gold standard for specific and sensitive detection   tissues, and hematoxylin and eosin stained. The
           of interesting miRNAs that may be present at very   stained sections were carefully observed under a
           low levels. This approach is usually used to validate   microscope by the study pathologist (HR) to ensure
           the findings from previous large-scale microarray   no tumor tissues or cells were present in the whole
           profiling. Although commercial ready-to-use kits   sections. Frozen tissue blocks of adjacent tissue were
           are available for almost all human mature miRNAs,   also evaluated with respect to the presence (Batts-
           how to select an appropriate endogenous control to   Ludwig stage of 4) or absence of cirrhosis (Batts-
           normalize miRNA expression is still a challenge. A   Ludwig stage < 4).
           number of endogenous miRNAs, snRNA/snoRNA,
           and synthesized exogenous RNAs have been used      The demographic and clinic pathological data were
           as controls to normalize target miRNA expression in   collected from medical and pathological records
           different studies because there is no widely accepted   including  age,  gender,  ethnicity,  viral  infection
           endogenous control. Most are based on previous     (hepatitis B, hepatitis C), α-fetoprotein, tumor size
           literature or because a low standard deviation     and number, tumor grade, presence of vascular
           (SD) was observed in the microarray data. Several   invasion, and capsular infiltration. Hepatitis B virus
           small RNAs (U6 snRNA,     [16,19,27]  RNU44, [18]  cel-  surface antigen and antibody against hepatitis C virus
           miR-39, [16,20]  cel-miR-54) [22]  have been frequently used   determined by immunoassay were also obtained
           as calibrators in previous HCC studies. One study   [Supplementary Table 1].
           also used a standard curve approach for absolute
           quantitation by spiking in an artificial reference (ath-  Total RNA, including miRNAs was isolated from
           miR-156a). [12]  Therefore, it is not surprising that many   32 tissues by RNeasy Microarray  Tissue Mini
           previously identified miRNA panels are quite different   Kits (Qiagen, Frederick, MA) according to the
           between studies.                                   manufacturer’s protocols. TaqMan Low Density Arrays
                                                              (TLDA, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA), covering
           Here, we utilized genome-wide miRNA expression     733 miRNAs (670 unique human mature miRNAs),
           data derived  from  HCC  tumor  and  non-tumor     were used to quantify genome-wide miRNAs levels
           tissues to compare the miRNA panels identified as   using a 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System. The
           differentially expressed by using different normalization   same amount (750 ng) of total RNA was used for
           strategies. We sought to identify an optimal strategy   each array measurement. The means of RNA integrity
           to select stable references for miRNA normalization   number and A260/A280 ratio were respectively 5.9
           that can generate the most concordant miRNA panel   and 2.1. The quantification cycle (Cq) defined as
           deregulated in HCC. This strategy should also be   the cycle number when fluorescence passes the
           feasible for large epidemiological studies, and more   detectable threshold was obtained and raw Cq values
           likely to reproducibly identify HCC-associated miRNAs   ≥ 40 were excluded. These data have been deposited
           in different studies.                              in NCBI’s Gene Expression Omnibus database
                                                              (accession number GSE54751). [29,30]
                                                              The first strategy used the endogenous controls
           Participants come from a previous HCC tissue       recommended by the TLDA array manufacturer
           study [28-30]  conducted at Columbia University Medical   as the normalizer. Three (U6 snRNA, RNU44 and
           Center (CUMC) and approved by the Institutional    RNU48), detected in all tissue samples, were
           Review Board of CUMC. A waiver of consent was      selected as normalizers in order to obtain reliable
           given in the study because the majority of patients   results. The second strategy used the mean of global
           died before the research was carried out.          miRNAs obtained from miRNAs detectable in all
                                                              tested samples as the normalizer. There were 157
           A total of 16 paired frozen tumor and adjacent non-  miRNAs/ncRNAs detected in 100% of HCC tissues
           tumor tissues were screened for miRNA profiling.   [Supplementary Table 2]; means of all miRNAs were
           Tissue samples were collected and stored in the    separately calculated for each sample and then used
           Molecular Pathology Shared Resource of the Herbert   as the normalizer. The third strategy evaluated the
           Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center. Tumor samples   stabilities of those 100% detectable miRNAs/ncRNAs
           were  microdissected  to  ensure  > 80% purity  of   by statistical algorithms. The most stable 2 miRNAs
           tumor. Tumor stage was determined according to     were selected as normalizers.

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