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Shen et al.                                                                                                                                                    Evaluation of microRNAs normalization approaches
           Two statistical algorithms (geNorm  and NormFinder )   together had the lowest systematic error (stability
           were used to estimate the stabilities of the miRNAs   value) of 0.133 by NormFinder [Supplementary Table 3],
           profiles. The algorithm of geNorm is to calculate   suggesting their good stabilities for normalization.
           the average pairwise variation (V) for each miRNA   If  we included the means of  global  miRNAs in
           with all others across the samples, and estimate   the stability analyses, the M score and stability
           a stability score (M) defined as the average V of a   value for miR-30c/mean of miRNAs combination
           miRNA with all others. The less stable miRNA with   were, respectively 0.022 and 0.088, lower than the
           the highest M is gradually removed until the 2 most   combination of miR-30c with miR-30b or miR-126
           stable normalizers are obtained. The algorithm of   [Supplementary Table 3]. This suggests that the mean
           NormFinder is to calculate the inter- and intra-group   of global miRNAs may be a good normalizer due to
           variances of the log-transformed miRNAs expression   its high stability among samples. The stabilities of the
           data, and integrate it into a stability value to represent   manufacturer-recommended normalizer ncRNAs (U6
           the systematic error of each miRNA. A lower value of   snRNA, RNU44 and RNU48) ranked much lower in
           systematic error indicates a more stable miRNA, and   the 17th to 140th range out of a total 157 candidates,
           the combination of the most stable miRNAs is selected   indicating their poor stability in HCC tissue.
           as the normalizer. Different types of normalizers (array
           recommended ncRNAs, mean of global miRNAs and      Aberrant miRNA panels identified by using
           the most stable miRNAs combination) were separately   varied normalizers
           used to generate miRNA expression profiles from    After excluding non-abundant miRNAs and those with
           HCC tissue samples for future statistical data analysis.  missing data in over 50% of samples, a total of 361
                                                              miRNAs were finally analyzed. Using 3 endogenous
           Before performing any statistical analysis, the genome-  controls (U6 snRNA, RNU44 and RNU48) as the
           wide miRNA profiles were checked to ensure the     normalizer, we found 46 miRNAs significantly
           reliability and abundance of miRNAs. If the missing   dysregulated (P < 0.001) in HCC tumor tissues with
           data (Cq ≥ 40) for any miRNA exceeded 50% of       at least 2-fold changes in expression [Supplementary
           samples, this miRNA was excluded from further data   Table 4, Figure 1A]. Most miRNAs (43) were significantly
           analyses. Paired t-test was used to identify miRNAs   down-regulated in HCC tumor tissue (from 2 to 10-fold),
           that were significantly different by the univariate test   and only 3 miRNAs were significantly up-regulated with
           (P < 0.001) with at least a 2-fold expression change   fold changes of 5 to 9.
           between paired HCC tumor/non-tumor tissues or
           HCC cases and matched controls. Volcano plots were   Using the mean of all miRNAs as a normalizer, a total
           generated to describe the distribution of significant   of 26 miRNAs were significantly different between
           miRNAs with over 2-fold changes. Hierarchical      HCC tumor and non-tumor tissues with over 2-fold
           clustering and heat maps were produced with average   changes [Table 1, Figure 1B]. The aberrant expression
           linkage and Pearson correlations to examine the    pattern was quite different from that identified by using
           classification of samples based on significant miRNAs.   3 endogenous controls. More miRNAs (17) were
           All statistical analyses were performed using BRB-  upregulated 2- to 16-fold compared with 9 significantly
           ArrayTools (version 4.4) developed by Dr. Richard   downregulated miRNAs (2-5 fold) in HCC tumor
           Simon and the BRB-ArrayTools Development Team      tissues. The expression levels of endogenous controls
           ( [34]  and   (U6 snRNA and RNU44) were increased while RNU48
           Statistical Analysis System 9.0 (SAS Institute). The   was reduced in tumor tissue when using the mean
           panels of significant miRNAs identified by different   of all miRNAs as a normalizer, but no significant
           normalizers were compared using a web-based        difference was obtained (data not shown). The fold-
           InteractiVenn tool ( [35]  to   changes between tumor and non-tumor tissues were
           determine the consistent and discrepant miRNAs.    varied from -1.28 to 4.09 times.

           RESULTS                                            Supplementary Table 5 and Figure 1C display a panel
                                                              of 17 miRNAs aberrantly expressed in HCC tumor
           The stabilities of global miRNAs/ncRNAs            tissue using 2 stable miRNAs (miR-30c and miR-
           Using geNorm and NormFinder tools, we separately   30b) identified by the geNorm tool as the normalizer.
           examined the stabilities of global miRNA profiles in   Six were significantly upregulated 2- to 15-fold;
           HCC tissues. Among 157 miRNAs/ncRNAs tested        11 were downregulation 3- to 6-fold in HCC tumor
           in HCC tissues, the combination of miR-30c/miR-    tissue. Similarly, using 2 stable miRNAs (miR-30c
           30b had the smallest M score of 0.024 by geNorm    and miR-126) identified by the NormFinder tool as
           [Supplementary Figure 1], and miR-30c/miR-126      the normalizer, we found 20 significantly deregulated

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