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Alves et al. Hepatoma Res 2016;2:293-6                               Hepatoma Research
           DOI: 10.20517/2394-5079.2016.01
             Case Report                                                                        Open Access

           Hepatocarcinoma with metastasis to the

           anterior mediastinum

           Rogério Camargo Pinheiro Alves , Lorena Sagrilo Auer , Lisa Rodrigues da Cunha Saud , Raquel Coris Arrelaro ,
           Aline Carboni Casado , Bruno Gustavo Ferreira , Denis Szjenfeld , Paula Bechara Poletti 2
           1 Department of Hepatology, Instituto de Assistência Médica ao Servidor Público Estadual, 04028-000 São Paulo, Brazil
           2 Department of Gastroenterology, Instituto de Assistência Médica ao Servidor Público Estadual, 04028-000 São Paulo, Brazil
           3 Department of Radiology, Instituto de Assistência Médica ao Servidor Público Estadual, 04028-000 São Paulo, Brazil
           Correspondence to: Dr. Rogério Camargo Pinheiro Alves, Department of Hepatology, Instituto de Assistência Médica ao Servidor Público
           Estadual, Av. Ibirapuera, 981, Indianópolis, 04028-000 São Paulo, Brazil. E-mail:
           How to cite this article: Alves RCP, Auer LS, da Cunha Saud LR, Arrelaro RC, Casado AC, Ferreira BG, Szjenfeld D, Poletti PB. Hepatocarcinoma
           with metastasis to the anterior mediastinum. Hepatoma Res 2016;2:293-6.
            Article history:              Liver malignancies are the sixth leading cause of cancer worldwide, whereas hepatocellular
            Received: 22-01-2016          carcinoma (HCC) is the most frequent histological type of liver cancer. Extrahepatic metastasis,
            Accepted: 13-10-2016          which rarely involves the mediastinum, is associated with poor prognosis. An 80-year-old male
            Published: 21-10-2016         presenting with mild diffuse abdominal pain for 4 months, associated with hyporexia, increased
                                          abdominal volume, dry cough, and loss of 4 kg in 1 month, sought medical assistance due to
            Key words:                    hemoptysis and chest pain. Tomographic study revealed HCC with mediastinal metastasis,
            Hepatocellular carcinoma,     after which sorafenib therapy was started. Disease progressed to death 4 months after the start
            mediastinal metastasis,       of the treatment.
            computed tomography

           INTRODUCTION                                       ethnicity, the coexistence of these two conditions has
                                                              the same basic clinical characteristics and leads to
           Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has high incidence and   poor prognosis, regardless of race and location. [2]
           mortality rates, being the most common primary liver
           cancer  and the third leading cause of cancer mortality.   Liver cirrhosis of any etiology and chronic infection
           It usually starts with a solitary encapsulated lesion that   by hepatitis B are the main risk factors for the
           often shows slow growth and is asymptomatic for
           a long time.  HCC is usually associated with liver   development of HCC. All patients with these two
           cirrhosis, which may impair treatment tolerability   conditions benefit from biannual screening for HCC
           and thus increase the risk of complications in cases   with abdominal ultrasound and measurement of alpha-
           of advanced cirrhosis. Although there are great    fetoprotein (AFP) levels, although the latter has been
           differences in the global incidence and frequency of   shown to have questionable efficacy in population
           coexisting HCC and cirrhosis that vary according to   surveillance. [3,4]

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