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Lei et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                   HLH presenting as ACS

           DNA copies to 1.3 × 10  copies/mL. Teramura et al. [20]    particularly T-cell lymphoma, is most consistently
           reported that the median EBV genome copy number    associated with worse prognosis, [1,8,31]  followed by older
           at diagnosis was 3.0 × 10  (range: undetectable to 5.5   age [11,22,32]  and abnormal karyotype. [21,26]  Other factors
           × 10 ) copies/mL in EBV associated HLH, in contrast   found to correlate with poor prognosis include high
           to 6.6 × 10  (range: undetectable to 1.0 × 10 ) copies/mL   EBV viral load (≥ 1,000 copies/mL), [27]  organ failure at
           in infectious mononucleosis. EBER negativity may be   admission, [11]  hyperferritinemia, [31]  hypoalbuminemia,
           explained by the relatively early stage of the clinical   male, splenomegaly and thrombocytopenia. [22]  TCR
           course when the liver biopsy was performed, or simply   clonality does not appear to be of prognostic value. [26,27]
           technical difficulties encountered in some cases. [21]  In
           addition, the liver biopsy specimen of our patient had   Financial support and sponsorship
           previously been frozen for intraoperative consultation.   None.
           The freeze-and-thaw process may have damaged the
           EBV RNA to cause a falsely negative test.          Conflicts of interest
                                                              There are no conflicts of interest.
           Since our patient had no prior history of immunodeficiency,
           it is intriguing what initiated the defect of her cellular   Patient consent
           immunity. According to two independent large cohort
           studies, [8,22]  concomitant hematologic malignancy and   A Notice of Privacy Practices signed by the patient
           active infection were found in 2.9-3.7% of adult HLH   for approval of use of patient information for research
           cases. Given the predominant T-lymphocytic infiltrate   purposes is available for review upon request.
           on the liver biopsy, a T-cell lymphoma is high in our   Ethics approval
           differential diagnoses. However, the possibility of an
           underlying T-cell lymphoma is difficult to confirm or   Case report is automatically waived and does not
           exclude in our case due to the fulminant clinical course.   require further approval by Institutional Review Board
           Flow cytometry and cytogenetics might have aided in   at Loma Linda University Medical Center.
           the diagnosis if the patient had been able to tolerate
           additional biopsies, particularly a bone marrow study.   REFERENCES
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