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Zhang et al. Energy Mater 2024;4:400043  Page 3 of 12

               Preparation of SiO /G/C, SiO /G, and SiO /C
               The materials used in the experiment were SiO (99.99% metal basis) from Aladdin, graphite (AR) from
               Macklin, and CNTs from Aladdin. They were used as is, without any further purification. The experiment
               involved adding 0.3 g of micro SiO, 60 mg of graphite, and 60 mg of CNTs to a 50 mL agate jar containing
               10 g of agate balls, which was performed in the Ar-filled glove box. The jar was then sealed and transferred
               to a ball milling machine. The mixture was milled for 24 h at the rotation speed of 600 r·min . After milling,
               the mixed product was annealed for 3 h at 900 °C in an Ar atmosphere and cooled naturally to create the
               SiO /G/C composite. To compare, the control groups of SiO /C and SiO /G were prepared using the same
               process as SiO /G/C but without introducing CNTs and graphite, respectively.
               Material characterization
               The field-emission scanning electron microscope from Germany, the Zeiss Gemini 300 type, was used to get
               scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photos, while a JEOL JEM 1011 transmission electron microscope
               from Japan records transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images for this work. A JEOL JEM F200
               transmission electron microscope from Japan records the High-resolution TEM (HRTEM) images. XPS
               results and X-ray diffraction (XRD) data were collected from a Thermo Fischer ESCALAB 250 X-ray
               photoelectron spectrometer (from the USA) and a Bruker D8 Advance X-ray diffractometer (from
               Germany), respectively. In addition, Raman spectra and FTIR results were obtained from HORIBA
               JYHR800 and Bruker Tensor 27 spectrometers from Japan and Germany, respectively. Thermal gravimetric
               analysis (TGA) was collected by a Mettler Toledo TGA/SDTA851 thermal gravimetric analyzer from

               Electrochemical measurements
               A SiO /G/C electrode, a lithium metal counter electrode, and a separator (Celgard 2400 type) were
               assembled into coin cells (CR2032 type) in an argon-filled glovebox to fabricate half cells. On a Cu-foil
               current collector, a slurry was coated, comprising as-prepared SiO /G/C (70 wt%), conductive carbon black
               (20 wt%), and cellulose sodium (10 wt%) dispersed in deionized (DI) water. After drying and punching, we
               obtained 1.2 cm wafers of the SiO /G/C electrode with an average mass loading of 1.2 mg·cm . To assemble
               full cells, a prelithiated SiO /G/C anode, LiNi Co Mn O  (NCM111) cathode, and Celgard 2400 separator
               were combined into CR2032 coin cells within an argon-filled glovebox. A nickel cobalt manganese (NCM)
               cathode was prepared by pasting a slurry onto an Al foil. The N-methyl pyrrolidone was used to mix the
               slurry, which contained commercial LiNi Co Mn O  (80 wt%), conductive carbon black (20 wt%), and
               polyvinylidene fluoride (10 wt%). Both half and full cells used 1.0 mol·L  LiPF  in ethylene carbonate/
               dimethyl carbonate (volume ratio, 1:1) with 7% fluoroethylene carbonate. We conducted galvanostatic
               charging/discharging tests on both the half (0.01-1.5 V) and full cells worked at 2.8-4.2 V, using a battery
               testing system (LAND CT2001A). Additionally, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) of SiO /G/C
               half cells was tested with a frequency range of 100 kHz to 0.01 Hz, and their cyclic voltammetry (CV) test
               was working at a scan rate of 0.1-1.0 mV·s .
               The preparation process of the SiO /G/C composite, depicted in Figure 1A, involves ball milling and
               annealing. First, SiO, graphite, and CNTs were combined in a ball milling jar and sealed in an argon-filled
               glovebox to prevent further oxidation of SiO. Through high-energy ball milling, the raw materials were
               uniformly mixed and reduced by adjusting the number of agate balls with different sizes. Subsequently, the
               annealing phase, conducted under an argon atmosphere at 900 °C, induced the disproportion reaction,
               yielding the SiO /G/C product. TEM and SEM photos of the SiO /G/C composite (presented in Figure 1B
               and C, respectively) confirm the uniform wrapping of SiO  nanoparticles within a network of conductive
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