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Page 4 of 23                     Tan et al. Complex Eng Syst 2023;3:6  I

                                      Figure 1. A framework of decentralized control system with METM.

               set    = {1, 2, · · · ,   } and the generator is given by
                                                                 (  )   +   (  ),    ≠   ,
                                         {     +   =   |      =   } =                                   (2)
                                                         1 +         (  )   +   (  ),    =   ,
               where    > 0 and lim    (  )  = 0,         (  ) > 0,    ≠   , denotes the transition rate from mode    at time    to mode
                  at time    +   , and satisfies         (  ) = −    =1,  ≠            (  ) < 0, for each       =    ∈   . More universal uncertain
               transitionratesaretakenintoaccountwiththefollowingcases. (1)         (  ) iscompletelyunknown; (2)         (  ) is
               not completely known but there are upper and lower bounds. In case (2), we assume that         (  ) ∈ [   ,         ],
               inwhich    and         areknownrealconstantsmeaningthelowerandupperboundsof         (  ) respectively. The
               parameter matrix of the system (1) can be abbreviated as (A      , G        , B      ). The TRs matrix can be described

                                             11 (  )  ?     13 (  )  · · ·  ?  
                                                                         
                                            ?      ?       23 (  )  · · ·     2   (  ) 
                                                                         
                                            . .    . .     . .   . .   . .  
                                            .      .       .     .     .  
                                                                         
                                            ?         2 (  )  ?  · · ·   
                                                                            (  ) 
               where ”?” represents a completely unknown element of TRs. For brevity, ∀   ∈   , let  ∧     =  ∧   ,    ∪ ∧   ,     ,
               where  ∧   ,    = {   :         (  ) known upper and lower bounds for    ∈   },  ∧   ,      = {   :         (  ) completely unknown for
                  ∈   }.

               2.2. Interconnected semi-Markovian jump systems with dynamic METM
               To economize network resources and improve data transmission efficiency, here one introduces a dynamic
               METM. Unlike the other ETM, which only uses instantaneous system information, the proposed METM con-
               siders the historically triggered information. Suppose the event-triggered time of the current sampling data
               is       ℎ, where       (   = 1, 2, 3, · · · ) and ℎ represent some positive integers satisfying       ⊂ {0, 1, 2, · · · } and the
               sampling period of the sensor, respectively. Define the difference between the latest released sampling data
               and the current sampling data

                                     Δ (  ) (  ) =       (     −  +1 ℎ) −       (      ℎ +   ℎ),    = 1, 2, · · · ,   ,  (3)
               where    ∈    1 = {1, 2, · · · },    denotes the memory length, and       ℎ indicates the event-triggered instant. The
               next releasing instant      +1 ℎ is determined as follows

                                                 (  )  T   (  )        T                                (4)
                            +1 ℎ =       ℎ + min{  ℎ|        (Δ       (  )) Ω    Δ       (  ) >       (  )   (      ℎ +   ℎ)Ω          (      ℎ +   ℎ)},
                                     ∈   1
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