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Tan et al. Complex Eng Syst 2023;3:6 Complex Engineering
DOI: 10.20517/ces.2023.10 Systems
Research Article Open Access
Decentralized control for interconnected semi-markovian
jump systems with partially accessible transition rates:
a dynamic memory event-triggered mechanism
Yushun Tan , Xiaoming Cheng , Xinrui Li , Jie Bai , Jinliang Liu 2
1 School of Applied Mathematics, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China.
2 School of Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China.
Correspondence to: Prof. Yushun Tan, School of Applied Mathematics, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Qi xia Dis-
trict, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China. Email:; ORCID:0000-0002-2944-0742
How to cite this article: Tan Y, Cheng X, Li X, Bai J, Liu J. Decentralized control for interconnected semi-markovian jump systems
with partially accessible transition rates: a dynamic memory event-triggered mechanism. Complex Eng Syst 2023;3:6.
Received: 10 Mar 2023 First Decision: 31 Mar 2023 Revised: 12 Apr 2023 Accepted: 19 Apr 2023 Published: 17 May 2023
Academic Editor: Yurong Liu Copy Editor: Fanglin Lan Production Editor: Fanglin Lan
This paper investigates the issue of decentralized control for interconnected semi-Markovian systems with partially
accessibletransitionrates(TRs). Firstly, adynamic systemmodelwith a memory event-triggeredmechanism (METM)
is designed, which can effectively improve the fault tolerance of the event-triggering mechanism by employing the
historical trigger data. Then a state feedback control model with dynamic METM is constructed, in which the semi-
Markovian parameters with completely unknown and partially known transition probabilities are considered. Some
sufficient conditions that insure the stochastic stability of the interconnected semi-Markovian systems can be ob-
tained by utilizing the Lyapunov function and suitable model transformations method. Meanwhile, the parameters
and the controller gain matrices of dynamic METM are also solved simultaneously by applying the linear matrix in-
equalities (LMIs). Finally, a simulation example is given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Keywords: Decentralized control method, interconnected semi-Markovian jump systems, partially accessible transi-
tion rate, dynamic memory event-triggered mechanism.
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