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Page 4 of 10           Ge et al. Microstructures 2023;3:2023026

               aligned to the zone axis, and local conditions, such as strain, composition, or a small change in crystal
               orientation across a boundary, can strongly affect the transmission of the electron probe. As a result,
               domain boundaries appear slightly darker. Their orientation varies depending on the direction of view. In
               the (110) section [Figure 1B], straight bands are parallel to the (001) surface, while in the (010) section
               [Figure 1C], they are inclined at an angle of approximately 25°, running along [ 01]. Sawtooth walls present
               different V-shapes when observed from different directions, and their structure is considered in detail
               elsewhere . The domain appearance and PFM measurements agree with the observations of Berger et al. .
               However, they interpreted the flat bands of contrast seen in Figure 1B and C as domains with a width of
               approximately 10 nm. The varying thickness of the lamellae in Figure 1 shows this to be incorrect. In
               Figure 1C, the lamella decreases to a thickness of just a few nm at the edge of the specimen on the top-right
               of the image. The width of the bands decreases as the specimen thickness decreases, indicating that they
               correspond to planes in the material that are inclined to the direction of view. The same effect can also be
               seen in Figure 1B, where the specimen thickness increases towards the bottom of the image. Therefore, the
               darker bands are not slabs of material that form domains, different to the adjacent lighter material. They are
               the projection of a plane that is inclined to the point of view.

               The proposal that the flat bands of contrast in Figure 1B and C are planes rather than slabs of finite
               thickness is confirmed by the ( 10) section shown in Figure 2A. In this projection, their width does not
               depend on specimen thickness. Here, they are seen edge-on and appear as sharp, straight lines at an angle of
               35° to (001) surface, i.e., lying on (112) planes. The sawtooth domain pattern can be recognised in the
               thinnest part of the specimen but becomes indistinct where the lamella is thicker due to overlapping
               projections. Higher magnification images [Supplementary Figure 2B] show that the average habit plane is
               slightly away from (112); the flat domain walls have a terraced structure, with (112) facets seen edge-on,
               separated by steps 1-2 nm in height.

               High-resolution ( 10) STEM images of one of these domain walls, seen edge-on in the thinnest part of the
               specimen, are shown in Figure 2C and D. In any {110} section of BiFeO , the [111] polar axis can either lie
               within the plane of the section or at 35° to it, (i.e. with an out-of-plane component). The a a a  antiphase
                                                                                              - - -
               tilting of oxygen octahedra in the R3c structure gives different projections for the two cases. When the polar
               axis is in the image plane, the antiphase tilting of octahedra is not visible, and oxygen columns appear as a
               dumbbell at the same location in every unit cell . Conversely, when it has an out-of-plane component,
               O-Fe-O-Fe-O c h a i n s   f o r m   a n   a r c   w i t h   a   c u r v a t u r e   i n d i c a t i n g   t h e   d i r e c t i o n   o f   P  s [17]

               [Supplementary Figure 3]. In Figure 2C, the polar axis is in the image plane for both domains, consistent
               with a [ 10] BiFeO  projection [Figure 2B]. On a unit-cell level, polarisation P  is often taken to be
               proportional to the negative displacement of Fe relative to the centre of the rectangle defined by its four Bi
               neighbours, namely -δ FB [22,23] . Since the polar axis lies in the image plane, we observe a full projection of the
               displacement (in comparison, one can only observe approximately 57% or 81% of the displacement in [110]
               or [100] projections, respectively ). The quiver map of -δ  vectors overlaid on the ADF-STEM image of
               Figure 2D shows that polarisation changes by 180°, pointing towards the wall on both sides. (N.B. at the
               domain wall itself, δ  is not calculated because it is unclear how to define the unit cell.) Away from the
               domain wall, the magnitude of δ  is generally around 40 pm, in good agreement with the theoretical value
               of 41 pm for P  of approximately 100 μC cm -2[7,23,24] . As a final observation in Figure 2D, Bi atom columns in
               the domain wall are not as bright as equivalent atom columns in the surrounding material, indicating a
               lower occupancy of Bi at the domain wall.
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