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Schiavone et al.                                                                                                                                                           Modelling of metallic and polymeric stents

           For  Elixir  stent,  it  is  confirmed  that  crimping-caused   artery, the peak value of the maximum principal stress
           residual  stresses  do  affect  stent  expansion  [Figure  11].   changed by ~5% (1.50 MPa to 1.43 MPa) when the
           When  stent  expansion  was  simulated  without    residual stresses were considered.
           considering residual stress, the stent expanded faster
           and reached saturation earlier, as shown by the solid   DISCUSSION
           blue line in Figure 11A. Overall, residual stresses tend
           to compromise stent expansion both at peak pressure   Clinically, in-stent restenosis (ISR), i.e. re-narrowing
           and  after  balloon  deflation.  At  peak  pressure,  stent   of stented artery, is one of the major drawbacks
           outer diameter was found to be 2.61 mm and 2.75 mm   associated with stent implantation.  ISR is a direct
           for simulations with and without considering residual   consequence  of the formation  of neointima,  largely
           stresses, respectively, and settled as 2.10 mm     caused by proliferating  smooth muscle cells and
           and  2.19  mm,  respectively,  after  balloon  deflation.   accumulated extracellular matrix.  According  to
           Although the recoiling had similar magnitude for both   recent investigations, arterial wall biomechanics plays
           cases (~20%;  with and without residual stresses),   a key role  in ISR.  The stenting-caused  alteration  of
           less dogboning was found  when  residual  stresses   biomechanical environment controls the inflammatory
           were  excluded in simulations (i.e. 41%; versus 45%   and remodelling processes of vessel walls. As reported
           for simulations  with residual stresses).  As shown  in   by Timmins et al.,  stent designs that induced higher
           Figure 12, residual stresses did not affect the pattern
           of stress distribution in the stent  and artery.  On  the
           stent, stresses are still highly localised at the U-bend
           regions, regardless of the residual stress state. Also,
           the maximum stress  on the stent  changed only by
           ~0.4% (95.69 to 95.32 MPa) when residual stresses
           were considered in the  simulations. In  the artery
           [Figure  12B], stresses were again  concentrated
           towards the ends of the plaque  as a result of stent
           dogboning  effect.  The  peak value of  the  maximum
           principal stress changed by ~15% (0.64 to 0.54 MPa)
           when the residual stresses were included.

           For Xience stent, residual stresses affected the early
           stage of expansion of the stent as shown in Figure 13.
           The achieved final diameter (~2.40 mm) and the recoiling
           effect (~11%) were similar for the two cases (with
           and without residual stresses). Dogboning increased
           when  residual  stresses were excluded,  with a value
           of 36% (compared to 24% for the case considering
           residual stresses). As shown in Figure 14, the stresses
           developed in the stent and the diseased artery were
           similar, in terms of distribution, for the two cases (with
           and without residual stresses). In terms of magnitude,
           the maximum  stress in  the stent changed  only  by   Figure 11: (A) Diameter change against pressure; and (B) recoiling
           ~0.7% (928.9 to 935.0 MPa) when residual stresses   and dogboning effects obtained from simulations with and without
           were  included  in  the simulations.  For the diseased   considering crimping-caused post-crimping stresses on Elixir stent

           Figure 12: (A) von Mises stress (MPa) on the Elixir stent; and (B) maximum principal stress (MPa) on the artery-plaque system for
           simulations with (left) and without (right) considering residual stresses
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