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Schiavone et al.                                                                                                                                                           Modelling of metallic and polymeric stents

           (insensitive to volumetric deformation). However, Nolan   Nevertheless, the HGO  model used in this work
           et al.  found that the HGO-C model was unable  to   was calibrated  properly against the longitudinal  and
           simulate compressible anisotropic behavior correctly,   circumferential tensile data of arteries.  It was proved
           because it used isochoric anisotropic invariants which   to be a reliable  anisotropic  formulation  for modeling
           is insensitive to volumetric deformation. Consequently,   deformation  of  the  arterial  layers  with  collagen  fibre
           they formulated a modified anisotropic (MA) model by   reinforcement.
           using the full anisotropic invariants which accounted
           for  a  volumetric anisotropic contribution.  The  MA   Crimping simulation
           model  correctly predicted  the material’s anisotropic   To model  stent crimping, twelve rigid plates were
           response to  hydrostatic tensile loading, pure shear   generated around the stent as shown in Figure 5. The
           and uniaxial deformations. They also found the HGO-C   rigid plates were modelled as shell surfaces. Uniform
           model significantly underpredicted arterial compliance,   radial displacement, linearly increasing to 1 mm within
           which  might affect the simulation  results of stent   a step time of 0.1 s, was applied to the plates to enforce
           deployment in  diseased arteries.  To fully clarify this   the crimping of  stent.  Spring back of  the stent  after
           effect, a considerable amount of new work is required,   crimping, due to the recovery of elastic deformation,
           especially the efforts required for coding a user-defined   resulted in a final stent diameter of 1.5 mm, which is
           material subroutine for the MA model (interface with the   able to fit in the diseased vessel.
           FE package Abaqus). This is beyond the scope of this
           paper, and will  be investigated  in our future studies.   Abaqus explicit was adopted for crimping simulations
                                                              (0.1 s step time). No constraint was applied to the stent.
                                                              Hard contact was assigned between the outer surface
                                                              of the stent and the rigid plates. The friction coefficient
                                                              was  assumed  to  be  0.8.  Following  crimping,  an
                                                              additional step was used to simulate the spring back of
                                                              the stent within 0.1 s. In this step, the contacts between
                                                              the rigid plates and the stent were deleted, allowing for
                                                              the stent to recover the elastic deformation freely.

           Figure 1: Geometry and mesh for (A) Elixir and (B) Xience stents  Expansion simulation
                                                              The expansion procedure  was simulated  using  two
                                                              steps,  namely  inflation  and  deflation.  During  the
                                                              inflation step (0.1 s), a pressure linearly increasing to
                                                              1.2 MPa was applied inside the balloon. While in the
                                                              deflation step (0.1 s), the balloon pressure was brought
                                                              linearly  down  to zero. All analyses  were carried  out
                                                              by considering the residual  stresses generated  from
                                                              crimping.  Again, simulations were performed using
           Figure 2: Geometry and mesh of the artery with stenosis and   the explicit solver in Abaqus. Change  of stent outer
           angioplasty balloon                                diameter was tracked for the middle ring and the two
                                                              end rings of both stents. The data outputs were used
                                                              to quantify stent expansion as well as the recoiling and
                                                              dogboning effects. [27]


                                                              Stent crimping
                                                              During  crimping, both stents underwent  severe
                                                              bending deformation, as illustrated in Figure 6 for Elixir
                                                              stent. The two stents were squashed to a diameter of
                                                              only 1.25 mm at the fully crimped state. After crimping,
                                                              stresses were highly localised at the U-bend regions
                                                              for both devices. The von Mises stress in the Xience
                                                              and the Elixir stents had a maximum magnitude  of
           Figure 3: Stress-strain curves for the Co-Cr L605 alloy and Poly-L   750 MPa  [Figure 7A right] and 96 MPa  [Figure 7A
           lactide [20,21]                                    left], respectively. After spring back, the maximum von
                           Vessel Plus ¦ Volume 1 ¦ March 31, 2017                                         15
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