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Schiavone et al.                                                                                                                                                           Modelling of metallic and polymeric stents

           Figure 7: Von Mises stress (MPa) contour plot for the Elixir (left) and Xience (right) stents in (A) fully crimped state and (B) spring-back state

           local damage to plaque/artery where the high stresses   Mises) stress, and it is a key parameter used in ductile
           are located. This condition also leads to the growth of   fracture analysis. In this study, we mainly focus on the
           new tissue, e.g. proliferation of smooth muscle cells,   stress state of stent-artery system during crimping and
           around the stent, causing in-stent restenosis.     expansion, instead of fracture or failure. Consequently,
                                                              stress triaxiality is not presented. But we aim to look into
           The maximum principal stress on the plaque had a peak
           value of 1.43 MPa and 0.54 MPa for the Xience and   this in future studies when considering the failure and
           Elixir stents, respectively [Figure 10]. The considerably   fracture of stent, plaque and arteries in the simulations.
           lower stress level for Elixir stent is consistent with   Effect of residual stresses caused by crimping
           the reduced property mismatch between the polymer
           and the artery as well as less arterial expansion   As shown in  Figure  7, crimping  introduced  severe
           achieved by the polymer stent. It should be noted that   residual stresses into the stent, which can affect the
           stress triaxiality was  not explored  for the stents and   subsequent  expansion  of the device.  To understand
           diseased  artery.  Stress  triaxiality  is  defined  as  the   such effect, simulations of stent deployment were also
           ratio of hydrostatic stress to the equivalent  (or von   carried out for both stents without including the residual
                                                              stresses generated from crimping.

                                                              Figure 9: Contour plot of the von Mises stress (MPa) on (A) Elixir
                                                              and (B) Xience stents after deployment

                                                              Figure 10: Contour plot of maximum principal stress (MPa) on the
           Figure 8: (A) Diameter change against pressure; (B) recoiling and   stenotic plaque after stent deployment: (A) Elixir and (B) Xience
           dogboning effects during deployment of Elixir and Xience stents  stents
                           Vessel Plus ¦ Volume 1 ¦ March 31, 2017                                         17
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