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Schiavone et al.                                                                                                                                                           Modelling of metallic and polymeric stents

           node incompatible brick elements, with full integration   weaker than Co-Cr L605. Table 1 gives the essential
           (C3D8I).  The incompatible  mode is chosen  for the   properties  for both materials as obtained  from the
           purpose of modelling large bending deformation during   tensile curves.  Strain hardening  was realised  in
           stent crimping and subsequent expansion. There are   ABAQUS by stating the yield stress as a function of the
           4-layer elements through the width and the thickness   plastic strain, as also obtained from the tensile curves.
           of all struts. The geometrical designs and FE meshes   The plaque was assumed to be hypocellular, and its
           for both stents are given in Figure 1.             behaviour  was described by the Ogden hyperelastic
                                                              model.  The  hyperelastic model parameters were
           The balloon used to inflate the stents had a tri-folded   provided in Zahedmanesh and Lally.  The tri-folded
           geometry which was produced using the NX software.   balloon was treated as a linear elastic material. The
           The diameter of the fully folded part is 1.25 mm and   material density, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio
           the total length of the balloon is 14 mm. To create the   were taken as 1.1 × 10  kg/mm , 900 MPa and 0.3,
           pattern, the tri-folded cross section was sketched first,   respectively. [23]
           and  subsequently extruded  for a length  of 12 mm.
           Towards the ends, the balloon smoothly transits into   It is well  recognised  that the arterial  layers  possess
           a circle, 0.75 mm in diameter, over a length of 1 mm.   distinct anisotropic behaviour as they are reinforced by
           This was done by using the sweeping tools in NX. The   two families of collagen fibres. Here, the established
           balloon was totally constrained at both ends as they   Holzapfel-Gasser-Ogden (HGO) anisotropic hyperelastic
           are fixed to a catheter. The diameter of the expanded   model   was employed to  describe the anisotropic
           balloon  was set to be 3 mm, matching  the targeted   behaviour of individual coronary arterial layer. In this
           stent or vessel diameter after deployment. Four-node   model, the hyperelastic  strain energy potential  W is
           shell elements, with reduced integration (S4R), were   given by: [24]
           adopted to mesh the tri-folded balloon.
                                                              W = C (I  - 3) + (k /2k )[exp(k <E> ) - 1] + (1/D)[(J -1)/2 - lnJ]
                                                                   10 1
           The diseased artery has a total length of 40 mm and a
           lumen diameter of 3 mm for the heathy part. The middle   E  = k(I  - 3) + (1 - 3k)(I  - 1)
           portion of the artery is covered by 10 mm plaque. The
           stenosis,  defined  as  the  ratio  of  plaque  thickness  to   where  C ,  D,  k ,  k  and  k are model  parameters,  I
           healthy lumen radius, was chosen to be 50%.  The   and J are the first and third stretch invariants, and I  is
           artery comprises three individual tissue layers, and the   the invariant of Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. The
           wall thickness is 0.27 mm, 0.35 mm and 0.38 mm for   Macauley bracket is indicated by the operator <>, whilst
           the intima, media and adventitia layers, respectively.   γ represents the angle between the mean directions of
           Eight-node  brick elements  with reduced  integration   the two families of fibres whose deformation is defined
           (C3D8R) were used to mesh the artery and the plaque.   by E . The model parameters [Table 2] were calibrated
           Four layers of elements were assigned through the   against the experimental data.  Both longitudinal and
           wall of each tissue layer and eight layers of elements   circumferential stress-stretch responses, computed by
           were assigned through the plaque thickness.        using the HGO model, agreed with the experimental
                                                              data very well  for all three vessel layers [Figure 4].
           Geometry and mesh of the balloon-artery assembly are
           shown in Figure 2. Mesh-sensitivity studies confirmed   The HGO model used in this work is for incompressible
           the convergence of numerical results, with regards to   hyperelastic materials.  To  consider compressible
           stent  expansion,  stent  recoiling and stresses  in the   deformation, the HGO-C model was suggested, with
           stent-artery system, for the mesh adopted in this work.  the anisotropic part expressed by isochoric invariants
           Material model                                     Table 1: Properties for the Co-Cr L605 and Poly-L lactide
                                                              stent materials
           Both stents were modelled as elastic-plastic, with non-
           linear strain hardening [Figure 3]. The tensile stress-  Material  ρ (kg/mm )  E (GPa)  ν  σy (MPa)
           strain curves for Co-Cr L605 and PLLA were taken   Co-Cr L605     9.1E-6    243     0.30     476
           from literature. [20,21]  It can be noted that PLLA is much   Poly-L lactide  1.4E-6  2.2  0.30  60
           Table 2: Parameter values of the anisotropic Holzapfel-Gasser-Ogden model for the arterial layers
           Layer            ρ (kg/mm )        C             D           k          k          k         γ
                                                10                       1          2
           Intima             1.066E-6        0.03        8.95E-7       4.0      1200.0     0.303      60°
           Media              1.066E-6        0.005       5.31E-6      0.57       80.0      0.313      20°
           Adventitia         1.066E-6       8.32E-3      4.67E-6       1.0      1000.0     0.303      67°
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