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Dong et al.                                                                                                                                                                                UPI peptide as cancer therapeutic

                  A              CTR                        UPI         C
                        LLC                                                  CTR          RBC

                         CD31                   CD31

                        U87                                                         RBC      RBC

                         CD31                   CD31                         UPI

                                                                        D         CTR    UPI
                       CTR                                                                    VEGFR2

                        CD31            FITC           Merge                  LLC

                       UPI                                                    U87
                        CD31            FITC           Merge
           Figure 8: UPI peptide treatment produces upregulated but leaky vessels in tumors. (A) CD31 immunofluorescent staining for LLC or U87
           tumors, showing the upregulated vessels in UPI-treated tumors. Scale bar: 100 µm; (B) Control or UPI peptide-treated s.c. U87 tumor-bearing
           mice were perfused with FITC-dextran for 10 min, following which the mice were killed. Tumors were fixed and processed for CD31 staining.
           Note that vessels in UPI-treated tumors were hyper leaky. Scale bar: 100 µm. (C) Transmission electron microscopy analysis of semi-thin
           sections from control and UPI peptide-treated s.c. implanted U87 tumors. Dotted red lines indicate tumor vessels; blue arrows depict red
           blood cell leakage from tumor vessels; and red arrows indicate dying tumor cells. Scale bar: 50 µm. (D) VEGFR2 expression in control or UPI
           peptide-treated s.c. LLC and U87 tumors. Figure 8 is adapted with permission from ref. 19. Copyright 2015 ASCI
            A      Day 9         Day 21        B                      C
                                                                             Epsin  VEGFR2      UPI  VEGFR2
                                                  Tumor volume (mm 3 )  100  *                   VEGFR2
             CTR                                   200                                             Epsin

             UPI                                    50                     Tumor       Vessel


           Figure 9: UPI peptide treatment significantly retards tumor growth in glioma tumor models. GL261 glioma cells (2 × 10 ) were implanted to
           the right forebrain of C57BL/6 mice. At day 9, UPI peptide was administered by intravenous injection at 20 mg/kg dosage every alternate
           day. Gliomas were monitored via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). (A) Representative MRI images. (B) Statistical analysis of tumor
           volume of terminal mice treated by control or UPI peptide; n = 5 in each group, Student t-test, *P < 0.001 vs. control. (C) Sketch of the UPI
           peptide therapeutic mechanism. UPI administration inhibits Epsin-VEGFR2 interaction in vivo, promotes non-functional tumor angiogenesis,
           and retards tumor growth
           UPI peptide  inhibits  Epsin-VEGFR2 interaction  in   expressed proteins, it is reasonable  to assume that
           vivo and produces non-functional tumor angiogenesis   epsins may modulate a wide array of cellular processes
           [Figure 9C]. Specific targeting and therapeutic efficacy   including cell development, differentiation, proliferation,
           can be further improved by modifying the peptides,   migration, and genetics. Targeting epsins in different
           where clinical trials would then require further follow-  disease models,  as well as the emergence of  new
           up assessments. Because epsins are ubiquitously    technologies such as nanoparticles, [34]  liposomes, [35,36]
                           Vessel Plus ¦ Volume 1 ¦ March 31, 2017                                         9
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