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Dong et al.                                                                                                                                                                                UPI peptide as cancer therapeutic

            A                      B                          vivo. In cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells
                                                              (HUVECs), the UPI peptide treatment had no effect on
                                                              other angiogenic growth factor signaling such as epidermal
                                                              growth factor receptor (EGFR), platelet-derived growth
                                                              factor receptor (PDGFR), fibroblast growth factor receptor
                                                              (FGFR), and transforming growth factor beta (TGFb)
                                                              pathways.  We previously obtained similar results in
            C                      D                          UPI-treated mouse tumors.  This targeting specificity
                                                              may be interpreted from the length of the UIM. It has
                                                              been suggested  that  the  core  components of  UIMs
                                                              contain 18 amino acid (aa) residues including a core
                                                              Ø-XX-Ala-XXX-Ser-XX-Ac (Ø:  a large hydrophobic
                                                              residue; Ac: an acidic residue), which likely form a short
                                                              helix embedded into different protein folds. [33]  Ahead of
                                                              this core sequence, a short 10-aa peptide may create
                                                              specificity  to  its  binding  partners.  Secondly,  the  3D
            E                      F
                                                              structure of epsin-UIM may fit the binding to VEGFR2
                                                              pockets more suitably than other angiogenic receptor
                                                              molecules. Third, tumor cells in general secrete more
                                                              VEGF  than other angiogenic  substances so that
                                                              VEGFR2 may have more chances to be activated and
                                                              ubiquitylated.  Therefore, the epsin-UPI peptide may
           Figure 7: Molecular modeling to compare the interaction between   predominantly modulate VEGFR2  signaling  rather
           D-amino acids and L-amino acids of UIM or UPI with VEGFR2   than other angiogenic  receptors and signaling.  This
           kinase domain. The 3D models of L- and D-amino acids UIM and L-
           and D-amino acids UPI were predicted by the PEP-FOLD program   conclusion has been further confirmed by in vitro and
           (L-form and D-form). Stick representations of the L-form of UIM (A)   in vivo experiments, as well as by the specific designed
           and D-form of UIM (B) form mirror-images of the actual structures. In   peptide  binding assay using  isolated  tumor  ECs. [19]
           the same manner, the L-form of UPI (C) and D-form of UPI (D) form
           mirror-images of the actual structures. (E) Surface representation   Interestingly, the Hrs-UIM or Eps15-UIM peptide does
           of the L-form of UPI (UIM, red; anchoring peptide and iRGD, green)   not show promising therapeutic efficacy in animal tumor
           interacting with VEGFR2-KD (blue). (F) In the same manner as the   models, [19]  further suggesting the specificity of the epsin-
           L-form of UPI interacts with VEGFR2-KD, surface representation
           shows the D-form of UPI (UIM, red; anchoring peptide and iRGD,   UIM peptide to VEGFR2 KD binding.
           green) binds to the same binding pocket of VEGFR2 (blue)
                                                              BIOSAFETY OF UPI PEPTIDE ADMINISTRATION
           Therapeutic  efficacy  of  UPI  peptide  in
           animal cancer models: role of UPI in tumor         We  have  measured  the  main  metabolic  parameters  after
           angiogenesis and metastasis                        UPI peptide administration for 3 months (10-50 mg/kg,
           UPI peptide administration can drastically inhibit tumor   twice a week by i.v. injection) in mice, and our results
           growth and metastasis in animal models of  LLC,    showed that  UPI  peptide injection had minimal
           B16-F10, glioma brain tumor, and Tramp prostate. [19]  In   side effects  (data not shown). Glucose and lipid
           GL261 brain tumor models, the UPI peptide can obtain   metabolism  remained  normal, likely owing  to a
           a similar therapeutic efficacy and survival rate to anti-  relatively lower dosage used in the homing strategy.
           VEGF  antibodies. [19]  More importantly,  in the human   Histology  and  immunofluorescent  staining  revealed
           U87 glioma tumor model (an immune deficient mouse   that the UPI peptide  targeted  to other tissues was
                                                              neglected. However, whether the UPI peptide causes
           model), we demonstrated that UPI peptide treatment   drug resistance in the long  term warrants further
           can significantly retard tumor growth and increase the   investigation.
           survival rate, accompanied by dysregulated VEGFR2
           signaling and tumor angiogenesis. [19]  Mechanistically,
           the UPI peptide treatment generates hyper leakage   PERSPECTIVE
           vessels via upregulated VEGFR2 signaling [Figure 8] and   Serving as a potential candidate for cancer therapeutics,
           impairs metastasis in the prostate and B-16 melanoma   the UPI peptide requires more in-depth research in
           animal models  likely due to  dysfunctional tumor   commonly associated cancer models such as prostate
           angiogenesis. [19]                                 and glioma tumors [Figure 9]. Our data have shown
                                                              that the UPI peptide can efficiently attenuate prostate
           UPI peptide targeting specificity                  cancer progression in Tramp mouse models and glioma
           We  tested  the  UPI  peptide  specificity  in  vitro and  in   mouse models [Figure 9A and B]. [19]  Mechanistically,
             8                                                                                                                          Vessel Plus ¦ Volume 1 ¦ March 31, 2017
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