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Dong et al.                                                                                                                                                                                UPI peptide as cancer therapeutic

                         A                 WT                                                  EC-iDKO

                         B         CD31                              FITC                               Merge



           Figure 2: Loss of epsins in endothelial cells inhibits tumor growth by producing upregulated, but non-functional tumor angiogenesis. (A)
           LLC tumor is much smaller in EC-iDKO mice, accompanied by upregulated, but dilated vessels in tumors; (B) Vessel function assay: FITC-
           Dextran perfusion suggests that tumor vessels in EC-iDKO mice are hyper leaky. Scale bars = 50 µm for A and B. Figure 2 is adapted with
           permission from ref. 20. Copyright 2012 ASCI

           peptide  is crucial.  The top gear, peptide  targeting   the PM, an inner PM-anchoring peptide from the Lyn
           specificity,  peptide  working  mechanism  in vivo, and   kinase  H4 domain [26-28]   bound  to  lipid rafts  through
           peptide stability in circulation are important factors that   palmitoylation  and myristoylation  sites was inserted
           need to be carefully considered.                   between iRGD and UIM.  The resulting  peptide
                                                              is referred to as UPI [Figure 3]. [19]   To explore the
           Specific targeting                                 specificity in the molecular interaction, we undertook
           We hypothesize  that if a synthetic UIM-containing   docking studies and used a de novo structural
           peptide  can be targeted to tumor vessels, it could   prediction method to generate the atomic model for
           competitively bind to the ubiquitylated VEGFR2 receptor   the interaction between UIM/UPI and the VEGFR2
           and  therefore block  the epsin-VEGFR2  interaction,   kinase domain (KD) [Figure 4]. [19]  Our model predicts
           which could photocopy the knockout of epsins in tumor   that the unique  residues Q9, A13, and K16, present
           endothelial cells (TECs). Molecular modeling revealed   only in epsin UIM but not in UIMs from a number of
           that the UIM peptide forms a helical structure known   other endocytic  proteins,  play  a critical  role  in the
           as yeast Vps27-UIM. [19]  To ensure exclusive delivery   specific interaction with residues R1027 and R1080 in
           of the UIM peptide  to tumor vasculature,  a tumor   VEGFR2 [Figure 4]. Furthermore, molecular modeling
           EC-homing  peptide, iRGD, was conjugated  to the   revealed that interactions between the UIM helix and
           N-terminus of the UIM peptide. [23]  iRGD binds to αvβ3   Ub in both UIM-Ub and  UPI-Ub models  are similar
           or αvβ5 integrin, then to neuropilin, and thus can be   to  the binding  of  yeast Vps27 UIM-Ub complex by
           specifically internalized into TECs. [24,25]       nuclear magnetic resonance  (NMR) spectroscopy
                                                              [Figure 5A]. [29]  Remarkably, the interaction surfaces of
           Peptide working mechanism in vivo                  UIM-Ub or UPI-Ub and UIM-VEGFR2 or UPI-VEGFR2
           To increase the local concentration of peptides near   are clearly complementary in terms of  charges from
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