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Bilovol                                                                                                                                                       Arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes progression

           Sample, there was a 25% increase in the number of   obese. Similarly, the risk of hypertension is 50% higher
           people  visiting  emergency  rooms  for  hypertension-  in obese patients compared to those in normal weight
           related procedures between 2006 and 2011.  A       ranges.
           25-year epidemiological study has been devoted to
           situational dynamics related to  AH in the Ukraine.   In the last few years, inflammatory mechanisms have
           The report enrolled urban residents aged 18-64 years   been shown to regulate initiation, maintenance,  and
           and indicated that AH prevalence grew from 30.6% to   development of cardiovascular disease. Associations
           35.3% (P > 0.05) over the observation period, probably   between  cardiovascular  diseases  and  obesity  are
           due  to  increased  average  systolic arterial  pressure   mediated, in part, by secretory regulation of adipose
           levels.   The study also revealed a preponderance   tissue.  Adipose  tissue secretes bioactive  peptides
           of risk factors among patients with AH. Only 5.6% of   (adipokines),  which  have  local  and  distal  influences
           AH patients exhibited zero risk factors. Strikingly,   on organ systems through  autocrine,  paracrine,
           25.4% of  AH patients had one risk factor, 33.2% of   and endocrine functions. Increased production of
           patients had 2 risk factors, and 3 or more risk factors   adipokines  in obese patients impacts multiple bodily
           were reported in 35.8% of patients. Unfortunately, the   functions, many of which are linked with cardiovascular
           epidemiologic environment contributing to AH remains   diseases,  such as: insulin  sensitivity, immunity,
           unfavorable. The Ukrainian data suggest that the AH   angiogenesis,  hemostasis, lipid  metabolism,  and
           high-risk profile is common.  Thus, it is unlikely that a   blood  pressure.  Adipocytes,  like  T-lymphocytes  and
           noticeable decline in the death rate of this population   macrophages,  produce  cytokines  and  are involved
           will  occur  in  the  near  future. A  significant  number  of   in  complement  activation-stimulating  inflammatory
           individuals  with  AH are unaware of  their disease.   signaling cascades. [3,8]  Cytokine imbalance is a well-
           Among those with diagnosed hypertension, treatments   established  mechanism  contributing  increased  risk
           are frequently inadequate and incidence of deaths due   of  vascular complications.  Therefore, elucidating  the
           to hypertension complications is high.             interaction between adipokines,  interleukins,  and
                                                              metabolic disorders in patients with AH and T2DM is
           Isolated AH is currently rare. More commonly, physicians   relevant.
           encounter clinical situations in which cases of AH are
           associated with endocrinopathies. The turn of the 21st   The present study was undertaken to investigate the
           century was marked by significant prevalence of type   effects of adipokine and interleukin imbalances on the
           2  diabetes  mellitus  (T2DM).  Increases  in  incidence   development and progression of metabolic disorders
           worldwide led to discussions about the global diabetes   in patients managing hypertension with comorbid type
           epidemic. The World Health Organization reported in   2 diabetes.
           2016 that the number of people with diabetes mellitus
           rose from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014.   METHODS
           Among adults over 18 years of age, diabetes mellitus
           rates rose from 4.7% in 1980 to 8.5% in 2014.  Given   Patients
           that diabetes mellitus  disables patients at very early   Ninety-five  patients  with  stage  II  second  degree
           ages and leads to high mortality rates, the fight against   arterial hypertension (53 males and 42 females) were
           diabetes has been elevated to a top priority for national   assessed. The mean age of the cohort was 54.7 ± 5.4
           health care systems across the world.              years.  The  patients were sub-divided  into 2  groups.
                                                              Group 1 (n  =  48) consisted of  hypertensive patients
           According to epidemiological studies, in patients with   without  T2DM.  Group  2  (n = 47) was a comorbid
           a combination of hypertension and T2DM the risk of   population with both AH and T2DM. The control group
           fatal coronary  heart disease increases  3 to 5 times,   consisted of 20 age- and gender-matched  healthy
           stroke increases 3 to 4 times, complete loss of vision   subjects. AH diagnoses were conducted according to
           increases 10 to 20 times, uremia increases 20 to 25   guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension
           times, and gangrene of lower extremities becomes 20   from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and
           times more likely. [8]                             the European Society of Hypertension (2013), as well
                                                              as Ukrainian Cardiology Association recommendations
           One explanation  for the frequent  observation  of   (2013). [10]
           comorbid type 2 diabetes in hypertensive patients is
           that the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the   Criteria supporting  diagnosis  of abdominal  obesity
           population has increased.  Prospective studies have   were established based on recommendations by the
           shown a strong relationship between obesity and type   World  Health  Organization  (1997).  Anthropometric
           2  diabetes.  Almost  90%  of  patients  with  T2DM  are   measurements  were used to calculate  body mass
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