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Sazonova et al.                                                                                                                                     Threshold heteroplasmy levels of atherogenic mutations

           As a working hypothesis for the present study, we   the threshold value of the heteroplasmic percentage for
           used the monoclonal hypothesis according to which,   each mutation was detected, after which the occurrence
           if a mutation occurs in the mitochondrial genome,   and development of atherosclerotic lesions begins in
           the ATP synthesis is disturbed. The cells containing   an  individual,  and  for  anti-atherogenic  mutations,  an
           mitochondria with mutant  mtDNA begin to suffer a   antipathological effect begins to manifest. It should be
           shortage of  energy and proliferate unlimitedly. The   emphasized that the choice of the optimal threshold
           number  of  defective  mitochondrial  genome  copies   value was based on simultaneous maximization of
           becomes  greatly  increased.  Finally  a  mutation   sensitivity and specificity. The revealed good agreement
           reaches  the threshold heteroplasmy  level  and the   of the threshold heteroplasmy percentage value in the
           pathological process starts.  This results  in the   11 mitochondrial genome mutations for atherosclerotic
           occurrence and development  of  atherosclerotic    plaques and the thickening of the carotid intimal-medial
           lesions.  When the threshold heteroplasmy  level is   layer can be indicative of general pathophysiological
           reached by antiatherogenic mutations,  they begin to   mechanisms  of  the  formation  of  lesions  in  intimal
           show a protective effect. That is why, in people with a   carotid arteries.
           high heteroplasmy level for antiatherogenic mutations,
           atherosclerosis is absent.                         The investigated mutations are localized in the coding
                                                              region of mitochondrial genome. Let’s consider each
           For heteroplasmy level evaluation of investigated   of them.
           samples, a new  original  method  of quantitative
           assessment of mutant allele in mitochondrial genome,   Mutation m.652delG was localized in the  MT-
           based on pyrosequencing technology, was developed   RNR1 gene. It causes a structural defect of the
           by the author and her colleagues [16] . With the use of   12S rRNA subunit, which can lead to a partial or
           this method, it is possible to measure the heteroplasmy   complete  dysfunction  of  the  mitochondrial  ribosome.
           level of both hereditary and somatic mitochondrial   A consequence of this mutation may be a decrease
           genome  mutations,  occurring  during  the  lifetime  of   in synthesis of protein subunits of the enzymes of
           an individual or in pathologic processes. The method   the mitochondrial respiratory chain. As a result, the
           of  quantitative  assessment  of  the  mutant  allele  of   synthesis of ATP may decrease, leading to an energy
           mitochondrial  genome  has  a  number  of  significant   failure in the mitochondria and intimal cells of arteries. It
           advantages  compared  to  other  quantitative  methods   can, as a compensatory mechanism, lead to unlimited
           such as invasive cleavage of the oligonucleotide probe   proliferation of mitochondria and cells. The result of
           (Invader), high-performance liquid chromatography,   this process can be the occurrence of atherosclerotic
           heteroduplex analysis, the analysis of heteroplasmy   plaques and thickening of the intima-medial layer of
           using Surveyor nuclease, ARMS, SNaPshot, HRM,      human arteries.
           TGGE, Sanger sequencing, NGS using 454/Roche
           equipment, Applied Biosystems SOLiD, Illumina      Probably,  mutation  m.652insG  (MT-RNR1  gene)
           equipment series used for the analysis of mutations [35-39] .  associated with the absence of atherosclerosis stabilizes
                                                              subunit  12S  of  rRNA  and  improves  the  functions  of
           Pyrosequencing has the smallest number of defects   ribosomes. Perhaps, in case of occurrence of this
           and the greatest number of advantages, compared    insertion, the synthesis of protein chains in enzymes
           to other methods of measuring the percentage       of mitochondrial respiratory chains increases. It leads
           of heteroplasmy of mitochondrial genome  [40-44] . It   to an increase in the synthesis of ATP and protects
           provides a unique opportunity to analyze a very short   mitochondria and cells from oxidative stress. Therefore,
           DNA fragment containing the region of the investigated   this mutation can perform protective functions.
           mutation.  The  size  of  such  a  DNA  fragment  is,  on
           average, 5-10 bp, it significantly reduces the probability   Mitochondrial genome mutation m.1555A>G is also
           of  mistakes  made  during  the  analysis.  As  a  result,   encoded by MT-RNR1 gene.The mutation has an anti-
           the method developed by the author with colleagues,   atherogenic effect. It also leads by far the most to the
           based on pyrosequencing technology, can serve as   stabilization of the mitochondrial ribosome.
           the “gold standard” for all other methods of determining
           the percentage of mitochondrial genome heteroplasmy   In case of a single-nucleotide substitution of
           and it should be used to verify the heteroplasmy level   m.3256C>T (MT-TL1 gene),  transport  RNA-Leucine
           of mutations detected by other methods.            dysfunction (recognition codon UUR) can occur.  If
                                                              leucine is the last in the protein subunit of the enzyme,
           With the aim of subsequent molecular genetic diagnosis   then without this tRNA, the protein cannot be separated
           of atherosclerosis in blood cells of the study participants,   from  the  ribosome.  It  can  lead  to  a dysfunction  of

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