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Sazonova et al.                                                                                                                                     Threshold heteroplasmy levels of atherogenic mutations

           some ribosomes in mitochondria and to a decrease in   the synthesis of cytochrome B, which becomes 244
           synthesis of respiratory chain enzymes.            amino acids shorter. Perhaps, this mutation leads to
                                                              the dysfunction of complex III of the respiratory chain.
           Single nucleotide substitution m.3336T>C (MT-ND1   As a result of this process, atherosclerotic lesions can
           gene) is a silent mutation. In case of its occurrence,   develop in the cells and arteries in general.
           there is no replacement of the amino acid in the first
           protein subunit of NADH dehydrogenase. Meanwhile,   It is necessary to note the novelty and uniqueness of
           the mutation is associated with atherosclerotic lesions.   this study. According to the analysis of literary sources,
           Probably,  this mutation is linked to an atherogenic   there is not any scientific article in the world where the
           haplotype.                                         threshold heteroplasmy level of mitochondrial genome
                                                              mutations and their association with predisposition to
           Mutation m.5178C>A (MT-ND2 gene) results in the    atherosclerosis has been studied.  In addition,  there
           replacement of an amino acid (Leu>Met). Although   are not any similar works for other human diseases
           in some earlier literary sources [45]   it  is reported that   either.
           m.5178C>A is anti-atherogenic,  in this study,  in a
           sample of 700 study participants, the association of   Information about  the threshold heteroplasmy level
           this mutation with atherosclerotic lesions was found.   in mitochondrial genome mutations, associated
           Probably in earlier studies, an undersampling has   with atherosclerosis and its risk factors, can help in
           played a role.                                     assessing the predisposition and the early diagnostics
                                                              of these pathologies. The obtained data can be used
           The single nucleotide replacement  of  guanine by   to create test systems for atherosclerosis diagnostics.
           adenine at the position of the mitochondrial genome
           12315 results in a change in the tertiary structure of   In conclusion, the article dedicated to detection of a
           the transport  RNA-Leu (recognition codon CUN).    threshold heteroplasmy level of mitochondrial genome
           It  can lead to  a dysfunction of  this tRNA,  leading   mutations in patients with atherosclerotic lesions in
           to a decrease in synthesis of the protein chains in   blood vessels,  is  quite relevant  and well-timed.  This
           respiratory chain enzymes, which contain amino acid   work is  characterized by a high degree of  novelty,
           leucine.                                           because similar works in world literature are absent.
                                                              Using the method, developed in our laboratory [16,17] ,
           Mutation m.13513G>A leads to the replacement of    we managed to determine threshold heteroplasmy
           the amino acid (Asp>Asn) in the 5th protein subunit of   levels  of  11  mitochondrial genome  mutations
           the respiratory chain enzyme NADH-dehydrogenase.   associated with atherosclerosis. We suppose that
           Perhaps,  as  a  result  of  this  mutation,  the  efficiency   threshold heteroplasmy levels of these mutations is
           of complex 1 of the respiratory chain, leading to an   a new criterion for evaluation of predisposition to the
           increase in the production of  energy in the cell,  is   occurrence and development of atherosclerotic lesions
           improved. Our research team discovered the anti-   in human arteries.
           atherogenic effect of this mutation.

           Mutation m.14459G>A (MT-ND6 gene) results in       DECLARATIONS
           amino acid substitution (Ala>Val) at position 72 of the
           6th protein subunit of NADH dehydrogenase. Probably,   Authors’ contributions
           this mutation causes a defect in the enzyme, leading to   Study design: M.A. Sazonova
           the appearance of atherosclerotic lesions.         Data collection: M.A. Sazonova, E.V. Galitsyna, V.A.
           The single nucleotide substitution m.14846G>A (MT-  Experimental studies: M.A. Sazonova, A.I. Ryzhkova,
           CYTB  gene)  results  in the amino  acid substitution   V.V. Sinyov
           (Gly>Ser) of  cytochrome B. Probably,  this mutation   Literature search: A.A. Melnichenko
           stabilizes the complex of the III respiratory chain, into   Statistical analysis: I.A. Sobenin
           which this cytochrome is included. The result of this   Manuscript  writing,  preparation  and  editing:  M.A.
           mutation may be an increase in the synthesis of ATP   Sazonova
           in the cell.  It  can protect  cells and tissues from the   Manuscript review: A.N. Orekhov, A.L. Ravani
           occurrence of atherosclerosis.
                                                              Financial support and sponsorship
           Mutation m.15059G>A, localized in the  MT-CYTB     This  work  was  supported  by  the  Russian  Scientific
           gene, leads to a formation of a stop codon. This stops   Foundation (Grant #14-14-01038).

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