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Sazonova et al.                                                                                                                                     Threshold heteroplasmy levels of atherogenic mutations

           single-stranded PCR amplicon, which is used as     Then, a solution of streptavidin-sepharose was prepared
           a template. The obtained fragment was incubated    for  1  sample:  40  μL  2  ×  BB,  3  μL  of  streptavidin-
           with  the  following  enzymes:  DNA  polymerase,  ATP-  sepharose  particles,  7  μL  of  μQ  H O. After that, the
           sulfurylase,  luciferase  and  apyrase;  and  it  was   mode in the computer program for pyrosequencing was
           also  incubated  with  the  substrate:  adenosine-5-  set. Into each test tube, 50 μL of streptavidin-sepharose
           phosphosulfate and luciferin.                      solution were added, previously shaking it with vortex.
                                                              Samples were put in a shaker for 5 min. At this time,
           Stage  2:  the  first  nucleotide  was  added  to  the   39 μL of 1 × AB and 3 μL of corresponding probe primer
           reaction mixture. DNA polymerase completes it to   with a concentration of 2 optical units were added to
           the DNA strand, in accordance with the principle   each well of the pyrosequencing dish and the prepared
           of  complementarity.  In this  case,  the reaction is   pyrosequencing dish was placed in the runners of a
           accompanied by the release of pyrophosphate (PPi)   vacuum sample preparation station. The dishes were
           in an amount equimolar to the sum of the included   placed into the appropriate sample niches in the sample
           nucleotides.                                       preparation station, the following reagents were poured
                                                              into all the baths: washing buffer (WB), 0.2 mol/L NaOH,
           Stage 3: ATP-sulphurylase converts PPi to ATP in   rectified alcohol 70%, μQ H O. The nozzle with filters
           the presence of adenosine-5-phosphosulfate. In this   was placed into the dish with μQ H O and vacuum was
           case, luciferin is converted into oxyluciferin,  which   switched on at the sample preparation station. In 20 s
           generates visible light in proportion to the amount of   the nozzle was removed from the dish and dried in an
           ATP. A pyrosequenator detects this light and converts   upright position for 10 s. Then the nozzle with filters was
           it into the corresponding peak on the pyrogram. The   placed in the 96-well pyrosequencing plate with samples
           height of each peak is proportional to the intensity of   for 30 s. Then the filters with samples were lowered into
           the flash of light, and, consequently, to the number of   reagent dishes: rectified alcohol 70% (for 5 s), then into
           analyzed nucleotides in the DNA strand. For example,   0.2 mol/L NaOH (for 5 s), then into WB (for 10 s) and
           if there is one nucleotide C in a particular position of   then into μQ H O (for 5 s). Then the nozzle with filters
           the DNA strand, a peak corresponding to a single flash   was raised and held in the upright position for 10 s. After
           will be seen on the pyrogram, and if there are three   this procedure, a nozzle with filters was placed above
           nucleotides C in succession, a triple flash will be seen   the pyrosequencing plate (without touching the primer
           (i.e. the peak will be three times higher).        solution with the nozzle filters), the vacuum was turned
                                                              off and only after that the nozzle filters were lowered into
           Stage 4:  apyrase,  a nucleotide-destroying enzyme,   the plate. In 2 min the nozzle with filters was removed
           constantly removes the remaining nucleotides which   from  the  pyrosequencing  plate.  The  pyrosequencing
           were  not  attached  and  ATP.  Afterwards  another   plate was placed on a thermostat at 80 °C for 2 min.
           nucleotide is added to the reaction mixture.       Before placing the plate into the sequencer, it was given
                                                              time to cool down. During the cooling of the plate, the
           To carry out the above-described investigation, it was   reagents E (enzyme) and S (substrate) were diluted with
           necessary to conduct sample preparation: a mixture   μQ H O, E, S, and individual dNTPs were poured into
           of primers for the sequence should be added to the   the cuvette, according to the instructions, at the amount
           studied single-chain biotinylated PCR-fragments.   indicated  for  setting  the  mode  for  sequencing.  After
           Streptavidin-sepharose particles were attached to   that, the cuvette with the reagents and the samples was
           these biotinylated PCR-fragments,  which makes  it   put into the sequencer and the program was launched.
           possible to operate with single-strand PCR-fragments
           using streptavidin interacting with biotin.        The sequences of primers for pyrosequence were
                                                              given in the article of Sazonova et al. [16]  Visualization
           The algorithm of sample preparation for pyrosequencing   of  the results  was  carried out  with the use of  a
           was as follows: (1) 2 × Binding buffer [per 100 mL of   computer  program,  which  was  completed  with  the
           the solution: С Н NO  (0.121 g), NaCl (11.7 g), EDTA   pyrosequenator.  The  heteroplasmy  level of  every
           (0.0292 g), Tween 20 (100 μL). PH was adjusted to 7.6,   mitochondrial genome mutation was assessed on the
           1 mol/L HCl]; (2) 1 × Annealing buffer [per 100 mL of the   basis of the pyrogram of a DNA sample from each study
           solution: С Н NO  (0.242 g), C H MgO  × 4H O (0.043 g).   participant, using a formula previously developed by
           PH was adjusted to 7.6, 4 mol/L CH COOH]; (3) washing   Sazonova et al. [16,17]  with colleagues: P = (h - N)/(M - N)
           buffer [per 100 mL of solution: С Н NO  (0.121 g). PH was   × 100, where “P” is the heteroplasmy percentage of the
           adjusted to 7.6, 4 mol/L CH COOH]; and (4) 0.2 mol/L   studied mutations; “h” is the height of the peak of the
           NaOH (per 100 mL solution: NaCl 0.8 g).            investigated nucleotide; “N” is the height of the peak
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