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Sazonova et al.                                                                                                                                     Threshold heteroplasmy levels of atherogenic mutations

           Table 2: The threshold value of heteroplasmy level of                   ROC curve
           mtDNA mutations associated with atherosclerosis          1.0
                                 Threshold value   value of
                                 of heteroplasmy                    0.8
           Gene         Mutation     level in   heteroplasmy
                                                  level in
                                  atherosclerotic   thickened
                                   plaques (%)
                                                 IML CA (%)         0.6
           MT-TL1      m.3256C>T       15.5        16.5
           MT-RNR1     m.652delG       20.5        21.5           Sensitivity
           MT-CYTB    m.14846G>A*      17.5         17.5            0.4
           MT-TL2      m.12315G>A      7.5         10.5
           MT-ND1      m.3336T>C       6.5          7.5
           MT-RNR1     m.652insG       20.0        20.0             0.2
           MT-CYTB     m.15059G>A      24.5        26.5
           MT-RNR1     m.1555A>G*      17.5        19.5
           MT-ND5     m.13513G>A*      32.5        33.5
           MT-ND2      m.5178C>A       6.5          6.5             0.0
           MT-ND6      m.14459G>A      4.5          4.5               0.0           0.2          0.4           0.6          0.8           1.0
                                                                                    1 - Specificity
           *:  antiatherosclerotic  mutations;  IML  CA:  intima-medial  layer  of   Figure 1: ROC-curve for the analysis of the link of the heteroplasmy
           carotid arteries                                   level in mitochondrial genome mutation m.12315G>A with the
                                                              occurrence of  atherosclerotic plaques in carotid arteries:  area
           Table 3: Detection of the optimal threshold heteroplasmy   under  the  curve  0.577  (standard  error  0.015);  P  ≤  0.042.  ROC:
           level value for m.12315G>A on the basis of ROC-analysis  receiver operating characteristic
                         Coordinates of the curve             DISCUSSION
            Threshold           Sensitivity   1 - Specificity
            heteroplasmy level
            4.50                  0.825          0.795        Atherosclerosis of human major vessels is often a
            5.50                  0.789          0.667        cause of mortality from cardiovascular diseases.
            6.50                  0.719          0.643        In this  pathology,  the intima of  arteries  is  damaged,
            7.50                  0.684          0.608        luminal occlusion occurs and blood supply to
            8.50                  0.632          0.544        organs  deteriorates [1-5] .  Atherosclerosis  is  difficult
            9.50                  0.614          0.485        to recognize in the early stages. Molecular genetic
            10.50*                0.596          0.468
            11.50                 0.579          0.468        markers could help the diagnostics of  this disease.
            12.50                 0.561          0.433        Unfortunately, compared to traditional single risk
            13.50                 0.544          0.415        factors of atherosclerosis, nuclear genome mutations
            14.50                 0.544          0.398        have rather low diagnostic and prognostic significance.
            16.00                 0.526          0.363
            17.50                 0.474          0.339        According to the literature, a variety of diseases is
            18.50                 0.421          0.310        associated with some mutations in mtDNA. These
            19.50                 0.404          0.287        mutations often correlate with pathologies which
            20.50                 0.386          0.269                                               [11-15]
            21.50                 0.386          0.246        often occur together with atherosclerosis  . The
            22.50                 0.351           0.24        penetrance of  mtDNA  mutations  depends  on the
            23.50                 0.333          0.228        percentage of normal and mutant copies of genome,
            24.50                 0.333          0.216        i.e. the heteroplasmy level of mitochondrial mutations.
            25.50                 0.316          0.193        That is why, during the analysis of the linkage of
            26.50                 0.298          0.187        mitochondrial genome mutations with human diseases,
            27.50                 0.298          0.181
                                                              the value of heteroplasmy level above which a person
           ROC: receiver operating characteristic             begins the occurrence and development of pathologies
                                                              or begins to show a protective effect of mutations
           It is necessary to mention that during the analysis   needs to be determined. The information about the
           of  all the 11 investigated mutations  in patients,  it   threshold heteroplasmy level of mitochondrial genome
           was possible to explain more than 84% of cases of   mutations, associated with certain diseases, can help
           atherosclerotic plaques occurrence and thickening of   in assessing the predisposition and the early diagnosis
           intima-medial layer of carotid arteries.           of these pathologies.

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