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Sazonova et al.                                                                                                                                     Threshold heteroplasmy levels of atherogenic mutations

            with atherosclerosis. The authors suggest that threshold heteroplasmy levels of these mutations is a new criterion for evaluation of
            predisposition to the occurrence and development of atherosclerotic lesions in human arteries.

           INTRODUCTION                                       arteries (IMT CA); (3) with a normal carotid intima.

           Atherosclerosis of human major vessels is often a   It should be emphasized that at the present time there
           morphological basis of mortality from cardiovascular   are no published studies which have investigated the
           diseases. In this pathology intima of arteries is   threshold heteroplasmy level of mitochondrial genome
           damaged, luminal occlusion occurs and blood supply   mutations in atherosclerosis. Therefore, this article,
           to organs deteriorates [1-5] .  Atherosclerosis  is  difficult   dedicated  to  the  identification  of  this  parameter  in
           to recognize in the early stages. Molecular genetic   patients  with  atherosclerotic  lesions  in  blood  vessels’
           markers could help the diagnostics of  this disease.   wall, is quite relevant, well-timed and novel.
           Unfortunately, compared to traditional single risk
           factors of atherosclerosis, nuclear genome mutations   METHODS
           have rather low diagnostic and prognostic significance.
           The  relative  risk  of  one  such  mutation  is  1.06-1.40.   Inclusion criteria
           The total risk of cardiovascular diseases caused   The present research was carried out according to the
           due to all known mutations in the nuclear genome is   Helsinki Declaration of 1975 as revised in 1983. It was
           approximately 5% [6-10] .                          endorsed by the local ethics committees of the Institute
                                                              for Atherosclerosis Skolkovo Innovation Center,
           According to the literature, a variety of diseases is   Moscow, Russia and Research Institute of General
           associated with some mutations in mitochondrial    Pathology and Pathophysiology, Moscow. Prior to their
           DNA (mtDNA). These mutations often correlate       inclusion in the study, all the study participants gave an
           with pathologies which often occur together with   informed consent in written form.
           atherosclerosis [11-15] . The penetrance of mtDNA
           mutations depends on the percentage of normal      The participants in the study were enrolled consecutively
           and mutant copies of genome, i.e. the heteroplasmy   from  the  number  of  patients  at  Moscow  municipal
           level of mitochondrial mutations. That is why, during   outpatient  clinics  No.  202,  who  were  examined  for
           the analysis of the linkage of  mitochondrial genome   cardiovascular risk factors (mainly arterial blood
           mutations with human diseases,  the value of       pressure  and  blood  cholesterol).  The  investigated
           heteroplasmy  level above  which  in  a  person  begins   sample included 700 study participants. The age of
           the occurrence and development of pathologies      men was over 40-year-old, and the age of women was
           or begins to show a protective effect caused by    over 50 [20,21] . The average age of the participants in
           mutations  is  determined.  The  information  about  the   the sample was 62.3 years (SD = 8.7), the ratio of men
           threshold heteroplasmy level of mitochondrial genome   and women was 362:338 (51.7%/48.3%). As a result of
           mutations associated with certain diseases, can help   ascertaining the  clinical diagnosis of atherosclerosis,
           in assessing the predisposition and the early diagnosis   the sample was divided into 2 groups: (1) conventionally
           of these pathologies.                              healthy participants without ultrasonographic signs
                                                              of atherosclerosis (339 people, or 48.4% of the
           In preliminary  studies,  a total of  11 of  42 mtDNA   sample); (2) patients without clinical manifestations of
           mutations associated with different  pathologies  was   atherosclerosis who have ultrasonographic signs of
           found to have an association with atherosclerosis [16-19] .   preclinical atherosclerosis: the presence of lesions in
           In view of these facts, the aim of the present article   the carotid artery lumen (more than 10% of the artery
           was the detection of  threshold heteroplasmy level   lumen) (361 people, or 51.6% of the sample).
           of mtDNA mutations, above which atherosclerotic
           lesions were found in patients. Besides, this parameter   The criteria for exclusion were: anatomical organization
           was  detected for  mutations,  in which after  reaching   of the neck and carotid arteries which prevented
           the threshold heteroplasmy level started to appear a   qualitative  ultrasonography,  serious  life-threatening
           protective antiatherogenic effect.                 diseases and the refusal to sign an informed consent
                                                              to the investigation. Individuals with a history of, or a
           The estimation of the mutations’ threshold heteroplasmy   diagnoses of the following diseases were excluded from
           level was carried out in the following samples of the   the study: breast cancer or nodal form of mastopathy;
           study participants: (1) with atherosclerotic plaques; (2)   stroke or coronary heart disease; liver dysfunction;
           with an increased intima-medial thickness  of  carotid   chronic kidney disease; type 2 diabetes; obesity (body

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