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Sobenin et al.                                                                                                                                                                                             Is insulin atherogenic?

           Table 3: The effect of exogenous insulin addition on atherogenic properties of diabetic patients’ serum
                      Intracellular cholesterol content, µg/mg cell protein  [ H]-thymidine incorporation, dpm/mg cell protein at
                              at insulinconcentration (mU/mL)              insulinconcentration (mU/mL)
                         0       1        10      100     1,000      0        1        10       100    1,000
           Control     43 ± 1  45 ± 1   42 ± 2   45 ± 1   44 ± 2   16 ± 3    19 ± 2   17 ± 1   19 ± 2  20 ± 2
           Patient 4   43 ± 3  45 ± 2   46 ± 2   44 ± 2   47 ± 3   16 ± 3    12 ± 4   16 ± 5   19 ± 6  20 ± 2
           Patient 5   44 ± 3  45 ± 2   47 ± 2   47 ± 2   46 ± 3   18 ± 3    15 ± 2   16 ± 1   13 ± 3  14 ± 3
           Patient 6   69 ± 3*  69 ± 5*  71 ± 4*  74 ± 3*  74 ± 4*  12 ± 2   15 ± 2   15 ± 4   17 ± 2  18 ± 5
           Patient 7   82 ± 4*  81 ± 2*  86 ± 3*  86 ± 3*  81 ± 5*  27 ± 3  #  28 ± 3 #  35 ± 4 #  34 ± 4 #  30 ± 3  #
           Subendothelial intimal cells were incubated with 40% patient’s serum with or without exogenous insulin addition, as described in Methods
           section.*: significant intracellular cholesterol accumulation, P < 0.05; #: significant increase in [ H]-thymidine incorporation, P < 0.05
           due to exogenous insulin administration, but the role   effects of insulin were intensively discussed for a long
           of insulin in atherogenesis in this category of patients   time, but then left aside for decades, without reaching
           remains unknown.                                   consensus.

           Theoretically, there are many reasons why insulin   All further studies focused on clinical effectiveness of
           might affect the vessel wall in diabetic patients. Insulin   insulin therapy, with a partial respect to cardiovascular
           is a widely recognized and important growth factor.   outcomes, which could serve as the indirect markers
           Initially, the hypothesis on insulin atherogenicity derived   of  proatherogenic  or,  vice  versa,  beneficial  effects
           from old studies in non-diabetic animals given large   of  insulin on  atherosclerosis  progression.  Large
           doses of insulin, which showed enhanced cholesterol   observational studies performed in diabetic patients
           synthesis in the aorta [32-34] . Later studies showed   did not solve the controversy on the effects of
           that atherosclerosis-like biochemical and histological   insulin treatment on atherosclerosis progression and
           changes in aortas of Wistar rats could be induced by   cardiovascular risk, although they have demonstrated
           long-term insulin treatment and hyperinsulinemia [35,36] .   some reduction in cardiovascular events under
           However,  these  findings  were  not  supported  in   improved glycemic control during the long-term follow-
           other  studies in hyperinsulinemic  or  insulin-treated   up [46] . The Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and
           animals [37,38] . Insulin did not produce any effect on   Complications (EDIC) Study, which was designed as
           the transfer of cholesterol from circulation into arterial   the follow-up long-term study of the Diabetes Control
           wall [39] . It was also demonstrated that insulin did not   and Complications Trial (DCCT), was aimed to estimate
           modify lipogenesis by the rat intima-media even at   the effects of glycemic control on major cardiovascular
           very high concentrations [40] .                    endpoints (all fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular events,
                                                              angina, revascularization, and also fatal and nonfatal
           It  is  suggested  that  insulin  may  cause  an  increased   myocardial infarction, and stroke as secondary
           cellular proliferation in tissue culture [13,41] . However, to   endpoints) in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients [47,48] . The
           demonstrate such an effect of insulin, the cells needed   EDIC study participants were followed annually, and
           to  be  starved  in  serum-deficient  medium  for  several   after a mean of 18 years from the start of the DCCT,
           days, the conditions being far from physiological, and   a 42% reduction in cardiovascular disease outcomes
           then only at high insulin concentrations [42] . However,   was observed along with a 57% reduction in fatal and
           Ledet had not been able to demonstrate the growth-  nonfatal  myocardial  infarction,  and  stroke [48] .  Thus,
           stimulating effect  of  insulin;  moreover,  there was  a   prospective studies have provided indirect  evidence
           growth-promoting effect  of  serum from recent-onset   supporting the absence of harmful effects of intensive
           type 1 diabetic patients, although serum insulin levels   insulin therapy on atherosclerosis progression in type
           were extremely low [43] . Also, against the “insulin   1 diabetic patients. Moreover, intensive insulin therapy
           hypothesis”  stand  the  observations  of  beneficial   was shown to be beneficial with respect to instrumental
           effects of insulin treatment on the development of   measures of atherosclerosis, namely, coronary artery
           atherosclerosis-like lesions in streptozotocin-diabetic   calcification and carotid intima media thickness [49,50] .
           rats. In well-controlled rats, tunica media of coronary
           arteries contained the normal relative amount of   In contrast, studies in type 2 diabetic patients who
           connective tissue and number of cells, as compared to   were appointed to intensive insulin therapy provided
           the poorly controlled diabetic animals [44] . Additionally,   rather  controversial  results.  The  United  Kingdom
           hyperinsulinemia did not stimulate the early stages of   Prospective  Diabetes  Study  (UKPDS)  demonstrated
           arterial smooth muscle cells proliferation in the rat after   a non-significant 16% decrease in fatal and nonfatal
           aortic injury [45] . So, the speculated pro-atherogenic   myocardial infarction along with a non-significant 6%

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