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Sobenin et al.                                                                                                                                                                                             Is insulin atherogenic?

           Reagents                                           induce cholesterol accumulation in cultured cells),
           Medium  199,  fetal  calf  serum  (FCS),  penicillin,   BALB/c mouse resident peritoneal macrophages were
           streptomycin,  Fungizone  and  L-glutamine  were   taken from non-stimulated animals as described by
           purchased  from  GIBCO  Europe  (Paisley,  UK).    Adams [22] . Afterward, 2 × 10  cells were seeded into
           Collagenase type II was obtained from Worthington   each well of 24-well plates in Medium 199 containing
           Diagnostic  System  (Freehold,  UK).  [6- H]-thymidine   antibiotics  and  10%  of  FCS.  After  a  4-h incubation,
           (21 Ci/mmol) was purchased from Amersham           the cultures were rinsed with Medium 199 to remove
           International  (Amersham,  UK).  Assay  kits  for  total   unattached cells. Then cells were incubated for
           cholesterol determination were from Cell Biolabs, Inc.   additional  4  h  in  Medium  199  containing  10%  of
           (San Diego, CA, USA). Other reagents were purchased   examined patient’s serum.  Lipid extraction,  cellular
           from Sigma-Aldrich Co., LLC (St. Louis, MO, USA).  protein and cholesterol measurements were performed
                                                              as described above.
           Cell culture
           To study the direct effects of insulin on intracellular   Statistical analysis
           cholesterol  accumulation and cellular proliferation,   Results  are  reported  as  mean  ±  SEM,  based  on
           cells were isolated from the non-atherosclerotic sub-  triplicate measurements in each of 4 independent
           endothelial (elastico-hyperplastic)  sublayer  of  the   experiments. Significance of differences was evaluated
           intima by digestion of human aortic tissue with 0.15%   using the IBM SPSS 20.0 statistical program package
           collagenase under sterile conditions, as described   and was assumed for P values < 0.05.
           elsewhere [20] .  The  autopsy  material  was  taken  from
           subjects aged 50 to 58 who had died suddenly by    RESULTS
           accident. After digestion, enzyme-isolated cells were
           separated from the remaining tissue by filtering through   Twenty-five,  or  70%  of  33  type  1  diabetic  patient’s
           nylon mesh, and subsequently resuspended in Medium   sera exhibited an atherogenic potential, i.e. increased
           199 containing standard additives: 2 mmol/L L-glutamine,   total cholesterol content of cultured mouse peritoneal
           100 U/mL penicillin, 100 µg/mL streptomycin, 2.5 µg/mL   macrophages by 50-70% as compared to control. This
           Fungizone and 10% of FCS. Cells were seeded into   effect did not depend on patient’s age, gender, plasma
           48-well or 24-well tissue culture plates at  a density   lipid  levels,  or  diabetes  duration.  Moreover,  serum-
           of (3-4) × 10  cells/cm  of growth area. The cells were   induced cholesterol accumulation did not correlate
           cultured at 37 ºC in a humidified CO -incubator (95% air   with IRI level in tested serum samples (r = -0.09, P >
           and 5% CO ). The primary cultures contained a mixed   0.6).
           cell population made up primarily (95%) of typical and
           modified smooth muscle cells as it was earlier defined   In those 3 patients with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes
           by the ultrastructural features and immunofluorescent   mellitus, blood serum obtained immediately before
           markers. The medium was changed each day. On the   the  beginning  of  intensive  insulin  therapy  induced
           7th day in culture, Medium 199 containing 40% blood   significant cholesterol accumulation in cultured mouse
           serum  from  type  1  diabetic  patients,  1  µCi/mL  [ H]-  peritoneal macrophages [Table 1]. As it was expected,
           thymidine and the indicated concentrations of insulin   after the start of intensive insulin therapy, IRI level
           (0.001-1,000 mU/mL),  or  Medium  199 containing   increased rapidly, whereas C-peptide level remained
           10%  of  FCS,  1  µCi/mL  [ H]-thymidine and insulin   low (the data not shown). By the end of the 1st day
           (0.001-1,000 mU/mL) were applied to cell cultures.   of intensive insulin therapy, blood glucose decreased to
           After 24 h incubation, cells were rinsed 3 times with   10.5 ± 0.8 mmol/L, and IRI level accounted for 28
           phosphate buffered saline (PBS),  3 times with PBS   ± 3 mU/L. Further treatment resulted in the achievement
           containing 0.2% bovine serum albumin, and again 3   of satisfactory glycemic control (data not shown). Along
           times with PBS. Cellular lipids were extracted with the   with these changes, the atherogenic effect of serum
           mixture of n-hexane and isopropanol (3:2, vol:vol) as   stayed practically invariable up to the 21st day of
           described elsewhere [20] . Total cholesterol content was   intensive insulin therapy, despite the steady decrease
           determined enzymatically using commercial assay    in blood glucose and elevation in IRI level [Table 1].
           kits. After delipidation, the cells were rinsed 3 times   Therefore, the ability of diabetic blood serum to induce
           with 5% trichloroacetic acid and then were dissolved   intracellular cholesterol accumulation was not directly
           in  0.1  mol/L  NaOH.  Aliquots  were  used  for  cellular   associated with either plasma insulin concentration or
           protein determination and [ H]-thymidine incorporation   the state of glycemic control.
           as described by Tertov et al. [21] .
                                                              We have also studied the direct  effect  of  insulin on
           To measure serum atherogenicity (i.e.  its ability to   cho lesterol content and proliferative activity in cultured

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