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Sobenin et al.                                                                                                                                                                                             Is insulin atherogenic?

           INTRODUCTION                                       Center,  Moscow,  Russia.  All  participants  gave  their
                                                              written informed consent prior to their inclusion in the
           Insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetes mellitus is known to   study.
           favor an accelerated development of atherosclerosis,
           although the reasons for premature atherogenesis in   The group of study participants consisted of  33
           diabetic patients remain obscure. Several hypotheses   type 1 diabetic patients aged 20 to 44 (17 men,  16
           exist, which try to describe the molecular, cellular and   women) with diabetes duration ranging from 0 to 16
           biochemical mechanisms of premature atherogenesis   years. They were characterized by rather low level of
           in diabetic patients, but all have failed to sufficiently   antibodies to insulin (less than 50 nU/mL), therefore,
           explain this  phenomenon.  Proposed mechanisms     the possibility of insulin resistance attributable to
           include the harmful effects of advanced glycosylation   antibodies  was  excluded [18] . The type of  diabetes
           end products, modification of low density lipoproteins   was  verified  according  to  recommendations  from
           by non-enzymatic glycosylation, lipoprotein retention   the  American  Diabetes  Association [19] .  None  of  the
           in the arterial wall, enhanced oxidative stress,   patients had clinical manifestations  of  coronary
           inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and alterations   heart disease. All patients received intensive insulin
           in metabolism of vitamins and minerals [1-5] . In addition   therapy  with  glargine  (“Lantus”,  Sanofi-Aventis
           to these potential factors, it is necessary to consider the   Deutschland GmbH, Germany) as basal insulin, and
           possible role of insulin in the process of atherosclerosis   glulisine (“Apidra”, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH,
           development. Since hyperinsulinemia is associated   Germany) as prandial insulin. None of the patients had
           with  increased cardiovascular  risk,  hyperinsulinemia   coronary heart disease or other clinical manifestations
           and hepatic  portal hypoinsulinemia due to injection   of  atherosclerosis,  arterial hypertension or  kidney
           of insulin preparations widely used in the treatment   disease. The selection and recruitment of study
           of type 1 diabetic patients could be responsible, at   participants  was  designed  to  avoid  any  significant
           least in part, for cardiovascular consequences of the   comorbidity  or  drug  administration,  which  could
           disease. The results of epidemiological studies and   potentially affect the results of  experiments. Venous
           experimental studies in animal models supported    blood (5 mL) was drawn once in the morning before
           systemic  hyperinsulinemia  as  a  major  plausible   meals  at  the  first  day  at  the  hospital.  Fasting  blood
           factor in the development of atherosclerosis in    glucose was 8.2 ± 0.4 mmol/L, HbA1c was 9.2 ± 0.3%,
           diabetic patients [6-10] . Insulin resistance is strongly   serum  cholesterol level  was  5.2 ±  0.2  mmol/L,  and
           associated with hyperinsulinemia, and is considered   triglyceride level was 1.4 ± 0.2 mmol/L.
           as the major pathologic mechanism for susceptibility
           to premature atherosclerosis and cardiovascular    Additionally, the second group of study participants
           disease [11,12] . However, the effects of exogenous   consisted of 3 patients with newly diagnosed type 1
           insulin on atherosclerosis progression have not been   diabetes mellitus (1 man and 2 women aged 18, 19 and
           sufficiently studied. Experimental studies demonstrate   23, respectively), who were characterized by low levels
           direct  in vitro effects of insulin on angiogenesis, as   of immunoreactive insulin (IRI) and residual C-peptide
           well  as  on  endothelial  and  arterial  smooth  muscle   secretion  (1.6  ±  0.5  mU/L  and  0.8  ±  0.2  ng/mL,
           cell  proliferation [13,14] .  Nevertheless,  this contention   respectively), and significantly elevated blood glucose
           remains  controversial,  and  there  is  no  definitive   levels (20.0 ± 0.2 mmol/L) without severe ketoacidosis
           settlement on the role of insulin in atherogenesis [15-17] .   on admission to hospital. Intensive therapy with insulin
           To elucidate this matter, the present study tested the   glulisine and insulin glargine was started immediately.
           influence  of  insulin  on  cellular  proliferation  and  total   For  monitoring  of  glucose  level,  IRI  level  and  blood
           cholesterol content in cultured subendothelial cells   serum atherogenicity, venous blood was taken several
           derived from human aorta and mouse peritoneal      times  throughout  the  duration  of  hospitalization
           macrophages. Additionally, the effect of exogenous   immediately before the start of intensive insulin therapy,
           insulin on atherogenicity of serum from diabetic   then at 30 min, 2 h, 6 h, 12 h, 24 h and 7 days after
           patients was investigated.                         the first insulin injection. On the 10th day, the patients
                                                              were discharged from the hospital and were examined
           METHODS                                            at outpatient clinics 21 days after the start of intensive
                                                              insulin therapy.
           This  study  was  conducted in accordance  with  the   Blood collected from patients was incubated for 1 h
           Helsinki Declaration of 1975 as revised in 1983. It was   at 37 ºC and centrifuged for 30 min at 1,000 g. The
           approved by the local ethics committee of the Institute   resultant serum samples were stored frozen (-20 ºC)
           for Atherosclerosis Research, Skolkovo Innovation   for 4-7 days before examination.

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