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Harangi et al.                                                                                                                                                              HDL structure and function in dyslipidemia

           equilibrium and no significant differences were found   correlations between the studied parameters and
           between the subgroups. According to the results,   the age. Therefore, we concluded that age may not
           because of the large inter-individual variability, PON1   influence our results in this study. It must be noted
           activity measurement alone might not became a      that HDL subfraction ratios are derived secondary
           useful biomarker for cardiovascular risk prediction in   parameters that may include additional error based on
           dyslipidemic patients without vascular complications.  method of calculation. Data on further HDL functional
                                                              assays  such  as  HDL  cholesterol  efflux  assay,
           MPO is a leukocyte-derived heme protein that binds   measurement of lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase or
           to HDL. As a part of the innate immune host defense   platelet-activating factor-acetylhydrolase activity would
           system, MPO uses hydrogen peroxide to generate     add further information on HDL property.
           an array of reactive oxidant and free radical species
           such as hypochlorous acid possessing antimicrobial   In  summary, we  found  altered  HDL  function in
           effect. However, these reactive species can also foster   dyslipidemic patients, characterized by increased
           oxidative injury to host molecules as well. Indeed,   level of MPO and MPO/PON1, even in patients
           MPO catalyzes generation of nitrating oxidants and   without clinically detectable symptoms of vascular
           promotes both protein modifications and initiates lipid   complications. However, PON1 paraoxonase and
           peroxidation leading to enhanced atherosclerosis [24] .   arylesterase activities were unaltered. There was a
           Plasma, serum, and leukocyte MPO levels have been   shift towards the smaller HDL subfractions, but these
           associated with coronary artery disease [25] ; incident   changes were not significant; indicating that the
           risk of myocardial infarction, death, and need for   importance of alterations in HDL subfractions might
           revascularization [26,27] . In a previous study we found   not be crucial in patients with dyslipidemia. Our results
           significantly elevated MPO levels in overweight    highlights the importance of HDL-associated pro- and
           hyperlipidemic patients with or without cardiovascular   antioxidant enzymes suggesting the possible clinical
           complications [28] . In the present study we also found   benefit of MPO/PON1 calculation and confirms that
           significantly higher MPO levels in dyslipidemic patients   quantification of HDL-C level alone provides limited
           without any vascular complications compared to     data regarding HDL’s cardioprotective effect. Further
           healthy subjects.                                  studies on larger patient populations are needed to
                                                              identify and characterize the best markers of HDL
           Interestingly, both PON1 and MPO interact at the   functions.
           same site on HDL, reciprocally modulate each
           other’s function, influencing the antioxidant and anti-  Data on HDL structural and functional properties may
           inflammatory function of HDL [11] . Our previous study   improve the efficacy of cardiovascular risk prediction
           on a similar patient population also highlighted the   and development of novel anti-atherogenic treatment
           importance of this reciprocal inhibition [29] . Furthermore,   strategies in dyslipidemia.
           a recent study showed that serum MPO/PON1 ratio
           may be a potential indicator of dysfunctional high-  DECLARATIONS
           density lipoprotein and risk stratification in coronary
           artery disease [30] . Therefore, MPO/PON1 ratio was
           also calculated and we found significantly higher MPO/  Authors’ contributions
           PON1 ratio in our dyslipidemic patients compared to   Study design: M. Harangi, G Paragh
           controls indicating an increased risk for cardiovascular   Development of methodology: I. Seres
           complications. Moreover, in line with the results of   Collection of data: B. Nádró, M. Harangi
           previous studies, significant negative correlation was   Analysis and/or interpretation of data: A. Szentpéteri,
           found between myeloperoxidase levels and PON1      H. Lőrincz
           arylesterase activities that demonstrates the reciprocal   Writing (not revising) all or sections of the manuscript:
           inhibition between these two HDL-associated        M. Harangi
           enzymes. Hence, calculation of MPO/PON1 ratio may   Manuscript review: G. Paragh, D. Páll
           give information about the function of the enzyme   Supervision: G. Paragh
           complex and characterize HDL function.
                                                              Financial support and sponsorship
           Some limitations of the study must be noted. The   This research was supported by a grant from the
           power of the study may be reduced because of the   National Research, Development and Innovation (NFKI)
           relatively small size of the study population. Age   (OTKA 115723) and by the GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00062
           was significantly different between the patients   project. The project is co-financed by the European
           and controls, however, we could not find significant   Union under the European Regional Development Fund.

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