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Harangi et al.                                                                                                                                                              HDL structure and function in dyslipidemia

                                                     2/ 6/2013  SAMPLE: 8-tube   8 hdl              Quantimetrix LIPOPRINT  SYSTEM
                                                     13: 57  VLDL           HDL Subtractions                                Albumin
                                                              LDL  1      2  3   4   5      6      7   8    9               10
                                        VLDL + LDL
                                          HDL-1, -2, -3
                                          HDL-4, -5, -6, -7
                                          HDL-8, -9, -10

                                                       Area %                 14     13 8 11  12    22     6   5    5                5
                                                                   Large           Intermediate                Small

           Figure 1: HDL subfraction profile in a healthy subject determined using an electrophoretic method on polyacrylamide gel with the Lipoprint
           System. Ten HDL subfractions were differentiated between VLDL + LDL and albumin peaks, and were grouped into three major classes:
           large (from HDL1 to HDL3), intermediate (from HDL4 to HDL7) and small (HDL8 to HDL10) HDL subfractions. HDL: high-density lipoprotein;
           VLDL: very-low-density lipoprotein

           VLDL + LDL and albumin peaks, and were grouped     serum level of CRP. Serum glucose and HbA1c levels
           into three major classes: large (from HDL1 to HDL3),   were also significantly higher in patients, although
           intermediate (from HDL4 to HDL7) and small (HDL8 to   they remained in the normal range. Mean age and
           HDL10) HDL subfractions. Cholesterol concentrations   body mass index of patients were also significantly
           of the HDL particle subsets were calculated by     higher compared to controls. Concentration of serum
           multiplying the total cholesterol concentration of the   MPO was significantly higher in patients [Figure 2A].
           samples by the relative area under the curve of the   We could not find significant differences in PON1
           subfraction bands [Figure 1].                      paraoxonase and arylesterase activities between the
                                                              two study groups. Large inter-individual variations
           Statistical methods                                in PON1 paraoxonase and arylesterase enzyme
           Statistical analysis was performed by STATISTICA   activities were found both in dyslipidemic patients and
           (ver 8.0; StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA). We tested   controls [Figure 2C and D]. The MPO/PON1 ratio was
           the normality of data distribution by Kolmogorov-  significantly higher in dyslipidemic patients compared
           Smirnov test. Data are presented by descriptive    to controls [Table 1 and Figure 2B].
           analysis [mean ± SD in case of normal distribution,
           or median (lower quartile - upper quartile) in the case   Significant negative correlation was detected between
           of non-normal distribution]. Comparisons between   PON1 arylesterase activity and the concentration of
           groups were performed by Student’s unpaired t-     MPO (r = -0.38; P < 0.001) in the whole study group
           test in case of normally distributed variables and by   (data not shown). Analyzing these associations in the
           Mann-Whitney U-test in case of variables with non-  two groups separately, correlation remained significant
           normal distribution. Correlations between continuous   only in patients (r = -0.38; P < 0.001). The PON1
           variables were assessed by linear regression analysis   phenotype distribution was as follows: in the patient
           using Pearson’s test. Differences with P < 0.05 were   group 80.2 % (n = 65) were AA, 19.8 % (n = 16) were
           considered to be statistically significant.        AB phenotype, and there were no patients with BB
                                                              phenotype. The phenotype distribution (AA-AB) was
           RESULTS                                            87.5% (n = 28), 12.5% (n = 4) in controls, respectively.
                                                              The allelic frequencies followed the Hardy-Weinberg
           Significantly higher total cholesterol, LDL-C,     equilibrium and no significant differences were found
           triglyceride, lipoprotein(a), apo B and CRP levels   between the subgroups.
           were found in the untreated dyslipidemic patients
           compared to healthy controls. A few patients had higher   The absolute amounts and ratios of lipoprotein
           CRP levels, however, we could not find significant   subfractions are shown on Table 2. Although HDL-C
           correlations between the studied parameters and the   levels fell into the normal range in both studied groups,

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