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Sobenin et al.                                                                                                                                                                                             Is insulin atherogenic?

           Table 1: The effect of insulin therapy in newly diagnosed   Table 2: The effect of insulin  on  [ H]-thymidine
           type 1 diabetic patients on plasma IRI level and blood   incorporation and total cholesterol content of cultured
           serum atherogenicity                               intimal human cells
                                             Intracellular    Insulin           Intracellular total   [ H]-thymidine
                                IRI level    cholesterol                                         incorporation
           Time                                               concentration    cholesterol content
                                 (mU/L)   accumulation, % of   (mU/mL)        (µg/mg cell protein)  (dpm/µg cell
                                              control (*)                                          protein)
           Patient 1                                          Control               39 ± 2          36 ± 2
              Before insulin therapy  1.7      200 ± 8        1                     40 ± 1          40 ± 2
              30 min               8           205 ± 6        10                    40 ± 2          38 ± 1
              2 h                  10          195 ± 7        100                   40 ± 1          34 ± 1
              6 h                  13          202 ± 5        1,000                 38 ± 2          39 ± 3
              12 h                 27          186 ± 6        Total cholesterol content of subendothelial intimal cells and [ H]-
              24 h                 23          180 ± 9        thymidine incorporation was determined as described in methods
              7 days               29          195 ± 8        section
              21 days              35          180 ± 9
           Patient 2                                          studies revealed that the sera taken from 2 patients
              Before insulin therapy  0.8      160 ± 7        induced  a  significant  increase  in  total  cholesterol
              30 min               6           162 ± 8        content of cultured human intimal cells, while 2 other
              2 h                  11          168 ± 3        serum samples proved to be non-atherogenic, i.e. did
              6 h                  15          160 ± 7        not  produce  the  changes  in  intracellular  cholesterol
              12 h                 30          164 ± 5
              24 h                 34          170 ± 6        as  compared  to  control  cells  incubated  in  the
              7 days               20          164 ± 7        absence of human serum  [Table  3]. Insulin addition
              21 days              27          169 ± 6        at concentrations of 1-1,000 mU/mL to the cultured
           Patient 3                                          cells  did  not  affect  serum  atherogenicity  [Table  3].
              Before insulin therapy  2.4      220 ± 9        One  of  the  sera  induced  enhanced  [ H]-thymidine
              30 min               7.8         219 ± 6        incorporation by cultured cells along with pronounced
              2 h                  10          211 ± 4        cholesterol accumulation.  Insulin addition did not
              6 h                  15          208 ± 6        modify this effect. Similarly, no significant changes in
              12 h                 25          219 ± 4        [ H]-thymidine incorporation were observed in cells
              24 h                 28          209 ± 5
              7 days               50          199 ± 5        incubated with 3 other serum samples, even when
              21 days              52          214 ± 5        insulin was used in high concentrations [Table 3]. When
                                                              these serum samples were tested on cultured mouse
           Total cholesterol content of cultured mouse peritoneal macrophages
           incubated in the presence of  10% tested patients’ serum was   peritoneal macrophages, similar results were obtained
           determined as described in methods section. Cholesterol content   with respect to either cellular cholesterol content or
           of  control  cells  incubated  with  Medium  199  containing  10%  of   [ H]-thymidine incorporation (data not shown).
           FCS  was  taken  for  100%.  *:  significant  intracellular  cholesterol
           accumulation, P < 0.05; IRI: immunoreactive insulin; FCS: fetal calf
           serum                                              DISCUSSION
           human aortic intima cells  [Table  2] and mouse
           peritoneal macrophages. At various concentrations   Enhanced cellular proliferative activity and deposition
           (1-1,000 mU/mL), insulin had no effect on intracellular   of  intracellular  lipids  in  the  vessel  wall,  mainly  free
           cholesterol content. Moreover, insulin did not stimulate   and esterified cholesterol are typical features of early
           proliferative activity of cultured intimal cells; slight   atherosclerotic lesions. Previous studies demonstrated
           deviations seemed to be random and non-systematic   that blood sera or low-density lipoprotein from most of
           [Table  2]. Additionally, the lack of insulin effect on   type 1 diabetic patients, unlike healthy subjects’ sera,
           intracellular  cholesterol  content  and  [ H]-thymidine   are able to induce cholesterol deposition in cultured
           incorporation was registered when extremely low    macrophages and human intimal cells [20,23-27] . However,
           (0.001, 0.01 and 0.1 mU/mL) insulin concentrations   one cannot  rule out  the possibility that  some other
           were used (data not  shown).  Similar  results  were   factors may play a role. Hyperinsulinemia is thought
           obtained in cultured mouse peritoneal macrophages   to be an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis, as
           (data not shown).                                  was demonstrated earlier in numerous epidemiologic
                                                              studies [10,28-31] .  On  the  other  hand,  most  of  the  data
           The atherogenic effects of sera randomly taken from   were obtained on groups  of  non-diabetic  individuals
           four type 1 diabetic patients were further studied using   or type 2 diabetic patients. At the same time, type 1
           the primary culture of human intimal aortic cells. These   diabetes is characterized by elevated insulin levels

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