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Sazonova et al.                                                                                                                                     Threshold heteroplasmy levels of atherogenic mutations

           mass index > 30 kg/m ); untreated high blood pressure;   the DNA samples were stored at -20 °C. For operating
           cigarette smoking; pulmonary embolism or deep vein   with a collection of DNA samples, the samples were
           thrombosis [20,21] .                               diluted in TE buffer to a concentration of 0.03 μg/μL.

           The presence of increased IMT CA or atherosclerotic   The  concentration  of  DNA  solution  in  ng/μL  was
           plaques was detected by high-resolution B-mode     measured    using   IMPLEN     NanoPhotometer
           ultrasound using a SSI-1000 scanner (SonoScape,    nanospectrophotometer   with   the  use   of   a
           China)  equipped  with  a  7.5-MHz  linear  array  probe.   LabelGuard™ microtubule in “DS DNA” mode at a
           Carotid ultrasonography was performed by the same   wavelength of 260 nm [16,17] .
           researcher throughout the study. The far walls of the
           right and left common carotid arteries, the bifurcation,   The DNA samples of the study participants were used
           the internal  and the external  carotid  arteries were   for carrying out the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
           visualized.  The  c-IMT  of  the  first  centimeter  of  the   of fragments containing the region of 11 investigated
           common carotid artery was measured in three different   mutations [11-15] .
           projections (anterior, posterior and lateral), and
           analyses carried out with the use of dedicated software   Electrophoresis of isolated DNA samples and PCR-
           M’Ath (Metris, SRL France). The average value of these   fragments was carried out in a horizontal apparatus of
           measures was considered as an integral indicator of   Helicon company in agarose gel using 0.5 × tris-borate-
           intima-medial thickness [22-25] . The measurements were   EDTA (TBE) buffer. The concentration of agarose
           carried out in accordance with the Mannheim criteria   (“Fluka”) was 0.8% (for DNA samples) and 1.5-2.0% (for
           and the criteria of the investigation Improve [26,27] .  PCR-fragments). The gel was stained by the addition
                                                              of  an  ethidium  bromide  solution  (0.5  μg/mL).  As  a
           Materials                                          colorant, a solution of bromophenol blue (1 μL for 10 μL
           The materials for the study were blood leukocyte   of sample) was used [16-18] . The composition of 10 × TBE:
           samples of participants. Blood for genetic analysis   TrisHCl (108 g), boric acid (55 g), 0.5 mol/L EDTA, pH
           was taken after an overnight fast in the amount of 9 mL   8.0 (40 mL per 1 liter of buffer).
           from the ulnar vein in a 10 mL plastic tube containing
           sodium salt of Na -ethylenediaminetetraacetic (EDTA)   For the evaluation of  molecular weight  of  the
           acid as an anticoagulant. A mother liquor of 0.1 mol/L   investigated PCR fragments, DNA markers of 1 Kb
           Na-EDTA in water (pH 8.0) was used, to which fresh   (13 fragments from 0.25 to 10 Kb) and 100 bp (10
           blood was added in a ratio of 9:1 to obtain a final Na-  fragments from 100 to 1,000 bp) were used [16-18] .
           EDTA  concentration  of  10 mmol/L.  Samples  were
           stored at -20 °C.                                  For conducting PCR, DNA with a concentration of
                                                              0.1 μg/mL diluted with μQ and primers at a concentration
           Procedure                                          of 10 pmol/μL were taken [16-18] . The reaction mixture and
           It  is  noteworthy  that  in  previous  research  from  our   PCR conditions were the following: µQ (H O): 4.6 μL;
           laboratory, we haven’t found any significant differences   a mixture of dNTPs 10×: 2 mmol/L deoxyadenosine
           in heteroplasmy levels of the investigated mutations   triphosphate, 2 mmol/L dTTP, 2 mmol/L dGTP, 2 mmol/L
           between leukocytes and platelets (blood cells having   dCTP: 4 μL; 10× PCR buffer (16.6 μmol/L (NH ) SO , 67
                                                                                                     4 2
           mitochondrial genome), so DNA samples for this study   mmol/L Tris-HCl (pH 8.8): 4 μL; MgCl : 25 mmol/L: 4 μL
           were isolated from whole blood [16-19,28] . This method   (at  the  required  concentration  of  2.5  mmol/L);  2.4  μL
           was developed in our  laboratory on  the  basis of   (at the required concentration of 1.5 mmol/L); Taq
           technology of Maniatis [29] . For DNA isolation we used   polymerase: 1.33 μL; Matrix DNA: 4 μL; Primer F (+):
           a lysis buffer (0.32 mol/L sucrose; 5 mmol/L MgCl ;   2.7 μL; Primer R (-): 2.7 μL. The reaction was carried
           100% Triton X-100; 0.01 mol/L Tris-HCl, pH 7.6), and   out in 40 μL of the reaction mixture [16,17] .
           then deproteinization buffer (25 mmol/L EDTA pH 8.0;
           75 mmol/L NaCl) and proteinase K solution (20 mg/mL   One of  the PCR primers  was  biotinylated with the
           DNA  purification  from  admixtures  was  carried  out   aim of the subsequent pyrosequencing of the PCR
           using phenol and chloroform. Precipitation of DNA was   fragment.  The  study  was  carried  out  using  amplifier
           carried out using isopropanol, followed by washing in   “PTC DNA Engine 200”. After that pyrosequencing of
           ethanol. The DNA precipitate was dissolved in 300 μL   PCR fragments was conducted using the apparatus
           of  TE  buffer  (10  mmol/L  Tris-HCl,  pH  8.0,  1  mmol/L   (PSQ96MA) [30-34] . The pyrosequencing reaction included
           EDTA). The DNA concentration in the obtained sample   4 stages [30-34] .
           was  identified  by  nanospectrophotometer  IMPLEN
           NanoPhotometer . After measuring the concentration,   Stage 1: the sequence primer was hybridized to a
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