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Page 6 of 29                Aguiar. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2024;3:13

               Table 2. Correlation between lyso-Gb3 and clinical variables in male and female patients (sub-analysis by phenotype) [46]
                                                          Males                   Females
                                            All patients
                                            (n = 73)      Classical   Late-onset   Classical   Late-onset
                                                          (n = 18)   (n = 11)     (n = 29)   (n = 15)
                Age                         0.001         0.325      -0.247       0.309      0.082
                Age at ERT initiation (n = 50)  -0.466*   0.088      -0.071       0.230      -0.100
                MSSI                        0.538*        0.458      -0.251       0.441*     0.404
                FIPI                        0.383*        0.424      -0.196       0.259      0.363
                Indexed LV mass             0.353*        0.776*     -0.327       0.303      0.045
                NT-pro BNP (n = 24)         0.247         -          -            -          -
                Albuminuria                 0.317*        0.079      -0.600       0.133      0.380
                eGFR                        -0.168        -0.066     0.345        -0.125     0.015
               *P < 0.05; ρ for correlation between variables and plasma lyso-Gb3. ERT: Enzyme replacement therapy; MSSI: Mainz severity score index; FIPI:
               Fabry international prognostic index; LV: left ventricular; NT-pro BNP: amino-terminal fragment of the prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide;
               eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate.

               In male patients with classical phenotype, lyso-Gb3 does not increase with age  (with markedly increased
               values even in neonates, which increases rapidly during the first months of life)  and consequently does
               not correlate strictly with disease severity indexes or clinical manifestations, except for a significant
               correlation with the presence of white matter lesions [1,40,41] . One study described a significant correlation
               between plasma lyso-Gb3 and MSSI in male patients, but there was no discrimination between patients with
               classical and late-onset phenotypes .

               Contrariwise, in late-onset phenotype male patients (presenting p.N215S variant), there was a significant
               increase in plasma lyso-Gb3 with age and it presented significant correlations with left ventricular (LV)
               mass and GFR ; these results were in contrast with the ones of other studies, showing no correlations
               between plasma lyso-Gb3 and age, clinical manifestations or disease severity indexes in male patients with
               late-onset phenotypes [Table 2] .

               In females, lyso-Gb3 tends to increase progressively with age  and significant correlations have been found
               between lyso-Gb3 and MSSI, LV mass, and carotid intima-media thickness [40,41,59] . Contrariwise, another
               study found no correlation between plasma lyso-Gb3 and MSSI in females .

               There are no well-established correlations between plasma lyso-Gb3 and kidney function parameters, but a
               significant correlation between urinary lyso-Gb3 and urine protein-to-creatinine ratio or ACR has been
               observed; however, this correlation was observed in a cohort of male and female patients and no adjustment
               for gender was reported [1,33] . Another study also reported a significant correlation between plasma lyso-Gb3
               and serum creatinine, protein-to-creatinine ratio or indexed LV mass in multivariate analysis adjusted for
               gender and phenotype .

               As lyso-Gb3 seems to be a risk factor directly implied in FD pathogenesis, lifetime exposure to plasma lyso-
               Gb3 (estimated product of lyso-Gb3 concentration by age) should correlate better with disease (mainly in
               male patients, showing very high values from birth) than the current lyso-Gb3 level. Therefore, both in male
               and female patients, plasma lyso-Gb3 exposure is significantly correlated with disease severity, clinical
               manifestations, and the cold detection threshold and thermal sensory limen of the upper limb (both signs of
               characteristic FD small fiber neuropathy) [1,41,48,60] . However, as FD is a storage disorder with a progressive
               accumulation of substrates along patients’ life, older patients tend to have more severe manifestations; thus,
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