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Aguiar. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2024;3:13                           Rare Disease and
               DOI: 10.20517/rdodj.2023.56
                                                                            Orphan Drugs Journal

               Review                                                                        Open Access

               Biomarkers in anderson-Fabry disease: what should
               we use in the clinical practice?

               Patrício Aguiar 1,2
                Reference Center in Inherited Metabolic Disorders, Medicine Department, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário Lisboa Norte,
               Lisbon 1649-035, Portugal.
                Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, Lisbon 1649-035, Portugal.
               Correspondence to: Prof. Patrício Aguiar, Reference Center in Inherited Metabolic Disorders, Medicine Department, Centro
               Hospitalar e Universitário Lisboa Norte, Lisbon 1649-035, Portugal. E-mail:

               How to cite this article: Aguiar P. Biomarkers in anderson-Fabry disease: what should we use in the clinical practice? Rare Dis
               Orphan Drugs J 2024;3:13.

               Received: 30 Nov 2023  First Decision: 6 Feb 2024  Revised: 2 Apr 2024  Accepted: 16 Apr 2024  Published: 25 Apr 2024

               Academic Editor: Guillem Pintos-Morell  Copy Editor: Fangling Lan  Production Editor: Fangling Lan

               Major organ involvement in Anderson-Fabry disease (FD) is clinically silent for a long period and clinically
               heterogeneous; thus, it is difficult to identify the patients at increasing risk of a progressive disorder. Moreover,
               accumulating evidence suggests that early disease-specific treatment (DST) is safe and effective in preventing the
               progression of heart and kidney damage, with poorer results in patients with extensive myocardial fibrosis,
               advanced glomerulosclerosis, and/or heavy proteinuria. Therefore, biomarkers defining preclinical involvement,
               with a prognostic value and a correlation with response to treatment, are an urgent need in FD. Several types of
               biomarkers are recognized in FD, pertaining to total disease burden and specific organ involvement (central
               nervous system, heart, and kidney). Currently, plasma globotriaosylsphingosine (lyso-Gb3), cardiac and brain
               imaging, and albuminuria are recognized as the “gold standard” biomarkers of total disease burden or specific
               organ involvement in FD. However, severe globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) storage and organ damage may occur
               within the affected organs with minimal changes in these standard tests. Given the heterogeneity and rarity of the
               disease, the identification of new biomarkers is challenging. Several ways may be used to identify new biomarkers
               in FD, namely “omic” medicine, biomarkers identified in other pathological models similar to FD, and biomarkers
               linked to the pathophysiological pathways involved in FD. This article aims to review the clinical value of the
               available biomarkers in FD and give an overview of the research on new biomarkers.

               Keywords: Anderson-Fabry disease, biomarkers, lyso-Gb3, cardiac imaging, albuminuria

                           © The Author(s) 2024. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
                           International License (, which permits unrestricted use, sharing,
                           adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, for any purpose, even commercially, as
               long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and
               indicate if changes were made.

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