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Page 4 of 29                Aguiar. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2024;3:13

               Table 1. Systemic disease biomarkers used in clinical practice
                Biomarker  Diagnosis      Phenotype                             ERT monitoring  References
                Gb3        Not useful     Not useful             Poor:          Decrease during ERT:   [27,28,30,33,
                (plasma/urine)                                   • Plasma Gb3 with   • Correlation with   36]
                                                                 cerebral       clinical endpoints not
                                                                 complications (♂)   established
                                                                 • Urinary Gb3 with
                                                                 eGFR, PCR, and ACR
                Lyso-Gb3   Added value (cautious  Added value (excellent diagnostic   • ♀: LV mass and   Decrease during ERT:   [40,41,43,46,
                (plasma)   interpretations of   accuracy in discriminating between  MSSI   • ♀: correlation with   49,61]
                           results)       phenotypes and genders)  • ♂: WML     decrease in LV mass
                                                                                and HR to WML

               ERT: Enzyme replacement therapy; Gb3: globotriaosylceramide; eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate; PCR: protein-to-creatinine ratio; ACR:
               albumin-to-creatinine ratio; LV: left ventricle; MSSI: mainz severity score index; WML: white matter lesions; HR: hazard ratio.

               to-creatinine ratio (ACR) [27,33] . Finally, there was significant decrease in plasma and/or urine Gb3 in patients
               treated under the clinical trials of both ERT preparations [22,24,34,35] ; however, the correlation between this
               decrease  and  the  therapeutic  outcome  in  terms  of  “intermediate”  or  “hard”  endpoints  is  not
               established [28,30,36] . Moreover, in one study, the occurrence of anti-ERT antibodies was accompanied by a
               blunted decrease in urinary Gb3, but the clinical significance of this finding remains unclear . The
               limitations of Gb3 in terms of predictive value for FD manifestations are not surprising, given that
               prominent Gb3 has been noted in placental tissues of FD male patients [38,39] , with the onset of clinical
               complications occurring only several years later; thus, as mentioned above, other factors in addition to Gb3
               may participate in pathogenesis .

               Given the limitations of Gb3 as a biomarker, research on Gb3 metabolites identified a product of Gb3
               deacetylation, globotriaosylsphingosine (lyso-Gb3), which is hydrophilic and highly diffusible and whose
               plasma levels in FD patients are markedly increased (exceeding those of controls by more than one order of
               magnitude and most prominent in male patients) [Table 1] [1,40] .

               Role in diagnosis and phenotype evaluation
               In male patients with classical phenotype, several studies showed very high values of plasma lyso-Gb3 [30,40-43] ;
               however, even hemizygotes with late-onset phenotypes presented increased lyso-Gb3 levels (though in
               lower magnitude than patients with classical phenotype) [1,31,44-52] .

               Regarding female patients, the classically affected heterozygotes usually present with increased plasma lyso-
               Gb3 levels (in a magnitude similar to late-onset male patients) [43,47] , contrary to female patients carrying
               mutations associated with late-onset phenotypes (e.g., p.F113L, p.N215S or IVS4 + 919G>A), where plasma
               lyso-Gb3 is often normal [31,44-46,48,50,51] . Despite this limitation of lyso-Gb3 in the diagnosis of female patients,
               the sensitivity of plasma lyso-Gb3 is much higher, in comparison with α-galactosidase A activity, to identify
               female patients with FD [43,53] . Additionally, this sensitivity may be further increased using the α-galactosidase
               A activity to plasma lyso-Gb3 ratio .

               Moreover, plasma lyso-Gb3 presented excellent diagnostic accuracy in discriminating between classical and
               late-onset phenotypes in male and female patients [Figure 1], with an area under the curve of 0.990 and
               0.954, respectively [46,49] .
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