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Aguiar. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2024;3:13  Page 11 of 29

               Late gadolinium enhancement
               LGE imaging techniques using cardiac MRI are the gold standard for non-invasive detection of focal
               replacement fibrosis in the myocardium .

               Between 31% and 77% of patients with FD disease may present LGE, with a characteristic mid-myocardial
               distribution (sparing the subendocardium) in the inferolateral basal and mid basal segments of the LV wall,
               that seems to be specific to FD cardiomyopathy [82,83,93,122,125,131-136] . Additionally, in FD, LGE was correlated
               with histologic findings (myocardial collagen deposition) from autopsy . A greater proportion of male
               patients present larger amounts of LGE in cardiac MRI [83,131,133] ; it was reported previously that only female
               patients might present LGE with normal LV mass , but recent reports showed that this is also true for
               some male patients [82,83,133,139] .

               Several  studies  have  reported  a  significant  correlation  between  the  amount  of  LGE  and  LV
               mass [93,122,131,133,140,141] , and LGE correlates with abnormalities in regional myocardial function assessed by
               speckle-tracking imaging studies [93,122,123,135,138,142] . However, the sensitivity of LGE to detect early cardiac
               involvement, as expected due to the identification of irreversible replacement fibrosis, is limited: LGE is
               uncommon in patients showing only TDI abnormalities (without LV hypertrophy) [93,143] .

               Cardiac fibrosis, evaluated by LGE in cardiac MRI, tends to increase progressively, mainly in patients with
               larger LGE volumes at baseline, even in patients with stable LV mass . Moreover, the annual increase in
               LGE during the follow-up is an independent predictor of malignant ventricular arrhythmias, with sudden
               cardiac deaths only occurring in the group of patients with LGE . Other studies confirmed that the
               presence and the extent of LGE, as well as maximal wall thickness, are associated with a greater risk of
               adverse cardiac events in FD patients [145,146] .

               ERT does not seem to have any effect on LGE: the amount of LGE significantly increased in patients treated
               for 12 months with agalsidase β (no patients without LGE at baseline developed LGE during ERT), and LV
               mass only significantly decreased in patients without LGE at baseline . These results were further
               confirmed with longer treatment periods, also showing some patients developing LGE even during
               treatment with ERT . Moreover, as previously mentioned, the presence of LGE is one of the most
               important predictors of response to ERT in terms of myocardial function and exercise capacity . Similar
               results were found with migalastat, with no patients without LGE at baseline developing LGE during
               treatment, but with an increase in LGE in patients who initially present LGE .
               T1 mapping
               A novel technique, T1 mapping, enables the measurement of native myocardial T1 (non-contrast
               myocardial T1) and T1 after administration of gadolinium contrast. Native T1 allows for a better
               characterization of the myocardium content, with increased values in the setting of fibrosis, edema, or
               amyloid deposits and decreased values in iron overload or lipid storage. Measurement of T1 with
               extracellular gadolinium-based contrast agents gives additional information about the extracellular volume
               fraction and has been studied for assessment of diffuse fibrosis, with good histological correlations .
               However, in FD, it has been more extensively studied as an imaging biomarker for early detection of cardiac
               involvement and for distinguishing FD from other etiologies of concentric remodeling and hypertrophy
               (due to lipid storage, yielding low native T1) , rather than for evaluation of diffuse fibrosis [150-154] .

               Very high (> 95%) diagnostic accuracy of native T1 in distinguishing between FD cardiomyopathy and
               other forms of cardiomyopathy has been reported [85,152,153,155,156] . Septal native T1 is low in around 90% of the
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