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Garza de la Llave et al.                                                                                                                          Syndactyly release with a vascular random pattern flap

           Figure 3: Surgical incision according to the desired web space depth  Figure 4: Interdigital space dissection

           Figure 5: 3:1 (length:base) relationship to ensure vascularity  Figure 6: Flap rotation

                                                              Postoperative care
                                                              Post-operative  analgesia  and  prophylactic  antibiotics
                                                              are recommended. Patients are discharged from
                                                              hospital the next day.  Moisture at the surgical site
                                                              can modify the results of the procedure  and may
                                                              cause wound  dehiscence  or infection  and must be
                                                              carefully managed. Suture removal is unnecessary as
                                                              absorbable sutures are used. Scar moisturization can
                                                              commence at the 2-week point. Patients are reviewed
                                                              at the hand surgery clinic weekly during the first month,
                                                              monthly for the next 2 months and every 2 months
                                                              subsequently until final clinic discharge.
           Figure 7: Flap fixation and donor site primary closure
           achieve full coverage of the newly created webspace.   We present 7 cases with incomplete simple syndactyly
           Then the flap can be tailored away to remove redundant   of the 2nd, 3rd or 4th webspace of multiple etiologies,
           skin [Figure 6].                                   presenting to the hand surgery service of the
                                                              corresponding author and operating between February
           Flap fixation and closure                          2015 and May 2016. Cases include both unilateral and
           Single sutures of 5-0 Vicryl are placed to secure the   bilateral presentations of syndactyly [Table 1].
           flap in the desired position. The donor site is closed
           primarily with simple interrupted 5-0 absorbable   A proximally-based vascular random pattern flap was
           sutures [Figure 7]. Care must be taken to avoid any   used to provide skin coverage to the webspace in all
           kind  of  tension  on  the  donor  finger  that  may  modify   cases.
           the  shape  of  the  finger,  cause  deformity,  limit  finger
           movement or cause ischemia. The hand is splinted in   The demographics comprised 4 males and 3 females
           a neutral position for the first post-operative week.  of an average age of 10.14 years (range 1-18 years).

             72                                                                                            Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ April 27, 2017
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