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Maher et al.                                                                                                                                                                          Hypospadias: an algorithm for repair

           plate is incised vertically with horizontal extensions at   rate specific to one stage and two stage procedures
           the meatus; and glans flaps are raised. A full thickness   was 5.3% (n = 3) and 13% (n = 6) respectively. Other
           skin graft is harvested from the inner surface of the   late complications included, altered urine stream 0.9%
           dorsally  hooded  prepuce,  its  dimensions  are  not   (n = 1) and urethral stricture 0.9% (n = 1) [Figure 4]. No
           routinely measured, and however, the overall width   complications related to  bleeding were encountered.
           of the urethral plate and skin graft should be at least   Re-operation was required for 2 patients with wound
           12 mm.  The donor is closed primarily using rapidly   dehiscence and 9 patients with fistula.
           dissolving polyglactin 7-0 suture (Vicryl Rapide-
           Ethicon).  The skin graft is secured to the defect   DISCUSSION
           created using polyglactin 7-0 sutures (Vicryl-Ethicon).
           The same suture material is used to quilt the skin graft.   Many  techniques  and  modifications  have  been
           Polypropylene 6-0 sutures (Prolene-Ethicon) are used   described for the repair of hypospadias, yet there
           to secure the non-adhesive bolster dressing applied   has  been  no  general  consensus  on  a  specific
           to the skin graft. A size 6 Fr silicone Foley’s catheter   procedure for a given subset of hypospadias meatal
           is inserted at this stage. The average time for the first   positions or morphology. Prat  et al.   published a
           stage is 45 min.                                   series that covered three decades including 820
                                                              patients, highlighting different techniques and overall
           The second stage is performed for the patient 6    results.  They performed meatal advancement and
           months  after  the  first  stage,  where  the  graft  has   glanduloplasty (MAGPI), TIP, two stage procedures,
           healed completely and the tissues have become      onlay tabularised island flap, yet with a high incidence
           soft and supple. The second stage is identical to the   of complications. We employ the use of a simple
           one stage repair, where by the lateral incisions are   double-armed algorithm ending in two procedures,
           performed at the edge of the full thickness skin grafts.   which we feel are adequate to address treatment of
           The average time taken is similar to the one stage   hypospadias.
           repairs: 60-75 min.
                                                              The algorithm  [Figure 5] disregards the meatal
           RESULTS                                            position, and addresses other morphological findings;
                                                              chordee, adequacy of the urethral plate, glans cleft,
           A total of 102 patients were operated upon between   and presence of a urethral bar. A similar algorithm
           2009 and 2013. Inclusion  criteria included  primary   was utilised by Coleman et al.,  whereby they used
           hypospadias  in the paediatric population.  Exclusion
           criteria, was 1  adult with delayed presentation of
           primary hypospadias, and 5  cases of  phimosis,
           thought to have concealed hypospadias, treated with
           circumcision only. Of the 102 patients, 56 underwent a
           one stage procedure while 46 underwent a two stage
           procedure. Mean age at presentation was 22 weeks ±
           29.75 (SD). The mean age at surgery was 25 months
           ± 11.56 (SD).

           Of  the 102 cases,  41.2% (n =  42) were subcoronal,
           20.6% (n = 21) coronal, 13.7% (n = 14) glandular, 1%   Figure 3: Hypospadias subtypes (%)
           (n = 1) terminal, 11.8% (n = 12) distal shaft, 2.9% (n =
           3) mid-shaft, 3.9% (n = 4) proximal shaft, and 4.9% (n
           = 5) penoscrotal [Figure 3].

           Early complications were  those encountered  within
           6 weeks  of  the operative procedure, whilst any
           complication  encountered after  that  period would be
           classed as a late complication. Early complication rate
           was 4.9% (n = 5) and they included dislodged/snapped
           catheters 1.9% (n = 2), wound dehiscence and infection
           2.9% (n = 3). Overall late complication rate was 10.7%
           (n = 11). The most common complication was urethro-
           cutaneous fistula occurring in 8.8% (n = 9). The fistula   Figure 4: Complication rate (%)
                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ April 27, 2017                      67
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79