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Walter et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unilateral rhinophyma

           increasing vascular permeability. [10,11]          postulated that it may have occurred unilaterally due
                                                              to localized factors such as sleeping on the affected
           What exactly triggers the innate immune response is not   ear, trauma or infection. [17]   The etiology  of unilateral
           known but UV light, trauma and microorganisms such   rhinophyma remains unknown, and possibilities include
           as Demodex mites are thought to play a role. Demodex   spontaneous or idiopathic asymmetric inflammation, or
           mites, although  common  in the general  population,   a localized lymphedematous or inflammatory process,
           are prevalent in up to  100% of  rosacea patients.    such as might result from localized infection or trauma.
           The mites are thought to trigger an immune response,   Our  patient has healed well after  electrosurgical
           act as a vector for other bacterial pathogens  and   treatment and is pleased with his improvement.
           block hair follicles.  Additionally, smokers have been
           found to have a higher risk of developing rosacea. [12]    Authors’ contributions
                                                              Concept design: K.K. Reddy
           The  exact  pathogenesis  of  the  phymatous  stage  of   Definition of intellectual content: K.K. Reddy, S. Walter
           rosacea is also not well understood. It is postulated   Literature  search, data acquisition,  data analysis:  S.
           to be a combination of the above factors in addition   Walter, J. Ho
           to  alterations  in  blood  flow  via  decreased  dermal   Manuscript preparation, editing, and review: S. Walter,
           vasoactive intestinal peptide receptors. [13]  In the severe   J. Ho, S. Krueger, K.K. Reddy
           variant of rhinophyma described  by Aloi  et  al.,  they
           hypothesize that the pathogenesis is similar to that of   Financial support and sponsorship
           lymphedema. They suggest that the severe fibroplasia
           seen in  this form  of  rhinophyma impairs lymphatic   None.
           drainage  which leads to persistent edema and
           destruction of adnexal structures. Over time, this fluid   Conflicts of interest
           collection stimulates further fibrosis via production of   There are no conflicts of interest.
           collagen and glycosaminoglycans.
                                                              Patient consent
           The treatment for rhinophyma  is approached  in a   The  proper consent of  the  patient was taken for
           different fashion compared to the other rosacea    carrying out all the tests and treatment.
           subtypes.  Younger patients with early signs of
           rhinophyma  may respond  well to oral isotretinoin,   Ethics approval
           but  surgery  remains  the  only  definitive  treatment   The procedures followed  were in accordance  with
           for those with advanced  disease. [1,6,14,15]  A  surgical   ethical  standards of the responsible  committee  on
           approach may include electrocautery,  laser ablation,   human  experimentation.  As an experiment  was not
           cryotherapy, dermabrasion, paring with a scalpel blade,   performed, local institutional review board protocol
           or a combination  of these techniques  to achieve an   was not required.
           optimal outcome. [14,15]  Use of electrosurgery to excise
           the rhinophyma can reduce bleeding.   Preservation   REFERENCES
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