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Walter et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unilateral rhinophyma

           with a 1-year history of a growing mass on the right   more frequent in skin phototypes I and II, though it is
           nasal  ala.  The patient reported it started as a small   increasingly being recognized as a condition seen in
           papule and spread over the ala over the course of a   all skin types. [2]
           year; he noticed most of the growth during the last 4
           months up to  presentation.  The patient denied any   Although commonly diagnosed clinically, the differential
           history of trauma to the area and denied manipulating   diagnosis for  rhinophyma should be considered,
           the area. He denied  using  any topical  medications   especially  when  appearing  unilaterally  as in our
           or products on his nose. He did not have a history of   patient. Basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas can
           similar lesions on the nose in the past. He denied any   occur on phymatous skin, and should be considered
           personal or family history of rosacea or of skin cancer.   when unilateral  changes, rapid  growth, ulceration  or
           The patient was originally from El Salvador and then   drainage occur. [2,3]  Other neoplasms including adnexal
           immigrated to the United States. He was retired from   tumors would also be included and can be considered.
           his work at the time of presentation. He previously   Granulomatous  processes such as sarcoidosis  and
           worked outdoors in construction for many years and   infectious diseases such as rhinoscleroma (Klebsiella)
           had a number of sunburns in the past.              or  leishmania  should also be considered in the
                                                              appropriate clinical setting.
           Physical examination revealed a 2.5 cm × 2.0 cm soft
           lobulated skin colored nodule with overlying prominent   Histopathologically, rhinophyma  classically  shows
           dilated pores encompassing the entire right nasal ala   findings compatible with rosacea (telangiectasia in the
           [Figure 1].  The left nasal  ala was not affected. On   superficial dermis, dilated infundibula with occasional
           examination of the remainder of his face, his bilateral   cysts  and  a  lymphohistiocytic  perifollicular  infiltrate)
           cheeks and nose showed sebaceous skin with multiple   with the addition of striking sebaceous hyperplasia. [4-7]
           scattered dilated pores and open comedones and a few   A severe form has also been described which shows
           small telangiectasias. There were no facial pustules.   marked dermal thickening with few infundibular cysts
           There was not any palpable  lymphadenopathy.  The   and reduction or absence of pilosebaceous structures. [4]
           remainder of his skin on his body was normal. Because
           the differential diagnosis  could include cutaneous   The exact pathogenesis of rosacea and rhinophyma is
           sarcoidosis, we asked the patient and he did not have   not known but it is thought to be a combination of multiple
           a cough or any shortness of breath. Review of systems   factors  leading  to  vascular changes and a trigger
           was negative for any other symptoms or concerns.   of the innate  immune  system. Numerous  vascular
           Given the growth and unilateral nature of the identified   growth factors and receptors have been shown to be
           nodule, a shave biopsy was performed on the edge   increased in affected skin leading to an overall state
           of the mass to evaluate  the lesion.  The pathology   of  abnormal  vascular  reactivity.  Specifically,  vascular
           report from the biopsy was read as a fibrous papule.   endothelial  growth factor  (VEGF),  VEGF  receptors,
           Clinically, however, the lesion was more consistent with   lymphatic endothelium marker D2-40 and CD 31
           rhinophyma.  The patient  underwent  electrosurgical   expressions are increased which provide stimulants
           excision of the growth.  The site healed successfully   for proliferation of vascular and lymphatic endothelial
           with secondary intention and a restored normal nasal   cells. [8,9]   This correlates with the grossly irregular
           alar contour [Figure 2]. Final excision pathology was   and  dilated vascular  networks  seen  in affected skin
           consistent with rhinophyma  [Figure 3]. The  patient   histopathologically. Sun or ultraviolet exposure is also
           agreed  with taking  doxycycline  20 mg orally  twice   considered a contributing factor. In mice, it has been
           daily indefinitely as an anti-inflammatory treatment for   shown that UVB light induces dermal angiogenesis
           rosacea and to attempt to prevent recurrence. He has   and also increases VEGF expression in keratinocytes.
           maintained his results 1 year later.
                                                              Additionally, the innate immune response is triggered
                                                              leading to  an abnormal host response. Although the
                                                              exact triggers are unknown, many environmental and
           While the prevalence of rosacea overall is estimated   genetic factors have been hypothesized to play a role.
           to be from 1% to 20%, the phymatous subtype is less   The cytokine cathelicidin has recently been found to
           common.  In a population study of Estonian workers   be highly expressed in affected patients and thought
           with  Rosacea,  only  1%  was  classified  as  having   to play  a key role  in the pathogenesis  of rosacea.
           subtype 3.  Rosacea overall has a slightly female   Triggered in response to innate antigens, this effector
           predominance,  but the incidence  of rhinophyma  is   peptide has many functions including  promoting
           much higher in males and is seen most often after 40   angiogenic  activity,  modifying  the  local  inflammatory
           years of  age. [3,5,6]   Rosacea has been reported  to  be   response, regulating  leukocyte chemotaxis and
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