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Kim et al.                                                                                                                                               Pressures secondary to circumferential digital dressings

           Table 3: Statistical differences according to rolling up at   Table 5: Statistical differences according to rolling up
           different lengths in the child finger model (mean ± SD)  of adult and child finger models (mean ± SD)
                Group       NR           R        P value            Group        A          B       P value
              1C-T0-Ph    0.0 ± 0.0  210.6 ± 117.0  < 0.001      1C-T0-Ph-R    57.9 ± 7.2  210.6 ± 117.0  0.003
              2C-T0-Ph    0.0 ± 0.0  323.7 ± 186.9  < 0.001      2C-T0-Ph-R    69.5 ± 12.1  323.7 ± 186.9  0.002
              3C-T0-Ph    0.0 ± 0.0  904.9 ± 462.1  < 0.001      3C-T0-Ph-R   114.1 ± 34.0 904.9 ± 462.1  0.000
           NR: unrolled; R: rolled up; 1C: elastic dressing was wound 1 lap around   (1C~3C)-T0-Ph-R  80.5 ± 32.1  479.7 ± 420.8  < 0.001
           a finger model with the same length of its circumference (7 cm); 2C:   A: adult finger model; B: child finger model; R: rolled up; 1C: elastic
           elastic dressing was wound 2 laps around a finger model with 2   dressing was wound 1 lap around a finger model with the same length
           times the length of its circumference (14 cm); 3C: elastic dressing   as its circumference (7 cm); 2C: elastic dressing was wound 2 laps
           was wound 3 laps around a finger model with 3 times the length of   around a finger model with 2 times the length of its circumference
           its circumference (21 cm); T0: 0% tightened; Ph: Peha-haft  (14 cm); 3C: elastic dressing was wound 3 laps around a finger
                                                              model with 3 times the length of its circumference (21 cm); T0: 0%
           Table 4: Statistical differences according to rolling up   tightened; Ph: Peha-haft
           at different lengths in the adult finger of a living body
           (mean ± SD)                                        Table 6: Statistical differences according to rolling up
                                                              of the adult finger model and the live finger (mean ± SD)
                Group       NR          R         P value
              1C-T0-Ph    0.0 ± 0.0  277.5 ± 227.5  0.004            Group         A          C       P value
              2C-T0-Ph    0.0 ± 0.0  636.2 ± 558.0  0.006        1C-T0-Ph-R     57.9 ± 7.2  277.5 ± 227.5  0.014
              3C-T0-Ph    0.0 ± 0.0  1,005.6 ± 644.5  0.001      2C-T0-Ph-R    69.5 ± 12.1  636.2 ± 558.0  0.011
           NR: unrolled; R: rolled up; 1C: elastic dressing was wound 1 lap around   3C-T0-Ph-R  114.1 ± 34.0 1,005.6 ± 644.5  0.002
           a finger model with the same length as its circumference (7 cm); 2C:   (1C~3C)-T0-Ph-R  80.5 ± 32.1  639.7 ± 577.1  < 0.001
           elastic dressing was wound 2 laps around a finger model with 2   A: adult finger model; C: finger in living body; R: rolled up; 1C: elastic
           times the length of its circumference (14 cm); 3C: elastic dressing   dressing was wound 1 lap around a finger model with the same length
           was wound 3 laps around a finger model with 3 times the length of   as its circumference (7 cm); 2C: elastic dressing was wound 2 laps
           its circumference (21 cm); T0: 0% tightened; Ph: Peha-haft  around a finger model with 2 times the length of its circumference
                                                              (14 cm); 3C: elastic dressing was wound 3 laps around a finger
           tightened bandages of the 2C group. In the 19.7% and   model with 3 times the length of its circumference (21 cm); T0: 0%
           33.5%  tightened  bandages  of  the  2C  group  (2C-T2,   tightened; Ph: Peha-haft
           2C-T3), the measured pressures of the Ph (2C-T2-Ph,   finger model (1C~3C-T0-R, 80.5 ± 32.1 mmHg) were
           56.2 ± 58.5 mmHg), (2C-T3-Ph, 185.3 ± 218.6 mmHg)   significantly lower than those in the child finger model
           were significantly lower than those for Co (2C-T2-Co,
           466.0 ± 502.3 mmHg, P = 0.002), (2C-T3-Co, 757.2 ±   (1C~3C-T0-R, 479.7 ± 420.8 mmHg, P < 0.001) and live
           839.7 mmHg, P = 0.008).                            adult finger (1C~3C-T0-R, 639.7 ± 577.1 mmHg, P <
                                                              0.001). In the above situations, the same results were
           Rolling  up  at  different  lengths  along  the  child  finger   shown for each wrap [Tables 5 and 6].
           model (NR, R in 1C-T0, 2C-T0, 3C-T0): in each wrap
           using  the  Ph  (1C-T0-Ph,  2C-T0-Ph,  3C-T0-Ph),  the   DISCUSSION
           measured pressures of the unrolled bandage (1C-T0-
           Ph-NR, 0 ± 0 mmHg), (2C-T0-Ph-NR, 0 ± 0 mmHg),     As material is rolled around a digit, it becomes tighter,
           (3C-T0-Ph-NR, 0 ± 0 mmHg) were significantly lower   exsanguinating the fingertip and constricting the digit.
           than  those  for  the  rolled  up  bandage  (1C-T0-Ph-R,   This quickly becomes uncomfortable. If this happens
           210.6 ± 117.0 mmHg, P < 0.001), (2C-T0-Ph-R, 323.7   to an adult, the patient will likely cut and remove the
           ±  186.9  mmHg,  P  <  0.001),  (3C-T0-Ph-R,  904.9  ±   constricting device. However, children,  especially
           462.1 mmHg, P < 0.001) [Table 3].                  those two years old and under, do not understand this
                                                              and cannot remove the dressing quickly. A similar lack
           Rolling up at different lengths along the live adult finger   of understanding or action also may occur in elderly
           (NR, R in 1C-T0, 2C-T0, 3C-T0): in each wrap with the   and mentally compromised patients. If the constriction
           Ph  (1C-T0-Ph,  2C-T0-Ph,  3C-T0-Ph),  the  measured   tightens to the point that all vascular flow is impeded
           pressures  of  the  unrolled  bandage  (1C-T0-Ph-NR,  0   into the tip of the digit, hypoxia and eventually tissue
           ± 0 mmHg), (2C-T0-Ph-NR, 0 ± 0 mmHg), (3C-T0-Ph-   necrosis will occur. Thus, a simple, soft tissue injury
           NR, 0 ± 0 mmHg) were significantly lower than those for   can become a more serious injury. Although no studies
           rolled up bandage (1C-T0-Ph-R, 277.5 ± 227.5 mmHg,   in the literature have reported the  incidence of  this
           P  =  0.004),  (2C-T0-Ph-R,  636.2  ±  558.0  mmHg,  P   condition,  any  physician  who  has  applied  a  finger
           = 0.006), (3C-T0-Ph-R, 1,005.6 ± 644.5 mmHg, P =   dressing knows how easily a circumferentially applied
           0.001) [Table 4].                                  dressing, such as Co, can roll up when manipulated,
                                                              as when a child plays with a dressing. [4]
           In  the  rolled  up  bandage  of  the  untightened  group
           (1C~3C-T0-R), the measured pressures along the adult   Lahham et al.  noted that digital tourniquet methods
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