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Kim et al.                                                                                                                                               Pressures secondary to circumferential digital dressings


                800                                               2,000
             Measured pressures (mmHg)  400                     Measured pressures (mmHg)  1,000


                  0                                                  0
                        1CT0                2CT0                3CT0         NR        R                          NR        R
           Figure 5: Measured pressures according to the length of the       T0-1C~3C                         T1~T4-2C
           bandage without tightness along the adult finger model. 1CT0: 1
           wrap with the same length of its circumference; 2CT0: 2 wraps with   Figure 7: Measured pressures according to the rolling up of
           2 times the length of its circumference; 3CT0: 3 wraps with 3 times   untightened dressings and tightened dressings along the adult
           the length of its circumference. *P < 0.05         finger model. NR: unrolled; R: rolled up; T0-1C~3C: untightened
                                                              bandages; T1~T4-2C: tightened bandages. *P < 0.05
                                                              lower than those of the rolled bandages (R, 793.1 ±
             Measured pressures (mmHg)  2,000                 measured  pressures  of  the  unrolled  bandages  (T0-
                                                              1,265.7 mmHg, P < 0.001). In each untightened and
                                                              tightened  bandage  (T0-1C~3C),  (T1~T4-2C),  the

                                                              1C~3C-NR, 0 ± 0 mmHg), (T1~T4-2C-NR, 28.3 ± 29.9 mmHg),
                                                              were  significantly  lower  than  those  for  the  rolled
                                                              bandages  (T0-1C~3C-R,  309.6  ±  544.0  mmHg,  P <
                                                              0.001), (T1~T4-2C-R, 1,332.0 ± 1,551.1 mmHg, P <

                  0                                           0.001) [Figure 7].
                                                              Regarding rolls of bandages at various lengths along
                          T0    T1~T4                    T0    T1~T4
                                                              the adult finger model (NR, R in 1C-T0, 2C-T0, 3C-T0):
                            Ph                                  Co  in  each  wrap  (1C-T0,  2C-T0,  3C-T0),  the  measured
           Figure 6: Measured pressures according to the tightness in   pressures  of  the  unrolled  bandages  (1C-T0-NR,  0
           different materials along the adult finger model. T0: untightened
           bandage; T1~T4: tightened bandages; Ph: Peha-haft; Co: Coban.   ±  0  mmHg),  (2C-T0-NR,  0  ±  0  mmHg),  (3C-T0-NR,
           *P < 0.05                                          0  ±  0  mmHg)  were  significantly  lower  than  those  of
                                                              the rolled bandages (1C-T0-R, 70.7 ± 15.9 mmHg, P
           bandage were 44.1 ± 47.7 mmHg (2C-T0, 0%), 61.2 ±   < 0.001), (2C-T0-R, 88.2 ± 24.0 mmHg, P < 0.001),
           67.4 mmHg (2C-T1, 9.4%), 261.1 ± 409.5 mmHg (2C-   (3C-T0-R,  769.8  ±  764.0  mmHg,  P  <  0.001).  In  the
           T2, 19.7%), 471.2 ± 671.3 mmHg (2C-T3, 33.3%), and   above situations, the same results were yielded  for
           1,945.0 ± 1,945.0 mmHg (2 CT4, 50.5%), respectively.   each material (Ph, Co) [Table 1].
           The measured pressures of the 2C-T4 (50% tightened)
           were  significantly  higher  (P  <  0.001)  than  those  in   Regarding  various  levels  of  tightness  along  the  adult
           other  groups.  However,  there  was  no  significant   finger model (NR, R in 2C-T0, 2C-T1, 2C-T2, 2C-T3,
           difference  between  the 2C-T0, 2C-T1, 2C-T2, and   2C-T4): at each tightness level, bandages of the 2 C
           2C-T3 parameters (P > 0.05). For each material (Ph   group (2C-T0, 2C-T1, 2C-T2, 2C-T3, 2C-T4), measured
           and Co), the measured pressures of the untightened   pressures  of  the  not-rolled  up  bandage  (2C-T0-NR,
           bandage (T0-Ph, 34.8 ± 36.6 mmHg), (T0-Co, 53.5 ±   0 ± 0 mmHg), (2C-T1-NR, 0 ± 0 mmHg), (2C-T2-NR,
           56.1  mmHg)  was  significantly  lower  than  that  of  the   24.8 ± 25.4 mmHg), (2C-T3-NR, 24.76 ± 25.4 mmHg),
           tightened bandage (T1~T4-Ph, 511.9 ± 1,166.1 mmHg,   (2C-T4-NR, 63.9 ± 14.7 mmHg) were significantly lower
           P < 0.001), (T1~T4-Co, 848.4 ± 1,360.2 mmHg, P <   than those for the rolled up bandage (2C-T0-R, 88.2 ±
           0.001) [Figure 6].                                 24.0 mmHg, P < 0.001), (2C-T1-R, 122.4 ± 37.9 mmHg,
                                                              P < 0.001), (2C-T2-R, 497.5 ± 475.3 mmHg, P < 0.001),
           Regarding rolled bandages in the adult finger model   (2C-T3-R, 917.7 ± 710.4 mmHg, P < 0.001), (2C-T4-R,
           (NR,  R):  the  measured  pressures  of  the  unrolled   3,790.4  ±  675.2  mmHg,  P  <  0.001).  In  the  above
           bandages (NR, 14.2 ± 25.4 mmHg) were significantly   situations, the same results were shown for each
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