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Kim et al.                                                                                                                                               Pressures secondary to circumferential digital dressings

           have complications associated with their use. Necrosis   This study was performed to prevent an over-tightening
           of a digit due to a forgotten tourniquet is an uncommon   of bandages in fingers and to make the reader aware
           but catastrophic complication. [7-11]  Most complications   of the necessity to anchor the bandage  above the
           occur with use of the least conspicuous dressings. [12-16]    wrist. In conclusion, when applying pressure dressings
           While digital necrosis secondary to a forgotten    to fingers, great caution is needed to prevent rolling-up
           tourniquet is the most severe complication related to   which can create a tourniquet effect.
           digital tourniquet use, most complications are related
           to excessive tourniquet pressure.                  Authors’ contributions
                                                              Concept design: K. Hwang
           Co (3 M Co, St. Paul, MN) is a self-adherent bandage   Literature search: K. Hwang
           made from a porous, non-woven polyester material, with   Measurement of the pressure: H.J. Kim
           strands of urethane coated with a cohesive substance.   Manuscript’s preparation: H.J. Kim, K. Hwang
           Co sticks only to itself and not to the skin, and provides   Manuscript’s review: K. Hwang
           sustained compression. [17]  In soft tissue injuries, it is   This paper is made from the a thesis entitled “The
           recommended that 30 cm of the Co be unwound and    Measurement  of  the  Pressures  Applied  by  Self-
           allowed to relax because if applied directly from the roll,   adherent Bandages to Prevent the Ischemic Damage
           the  tension  will  be  too  great.  Mendlowitz [18]  reported   of the Fingers” by Han Joon Kim, A THESIS Submitted
           the mean  digital  arterial  systolic blood  pressure  in   to the faculty of INHA UNIVERSITY in partial fulfillment
           adults to be 100 mmHg, with a pressure range of 84   of  the  requirements  for  the  degree  of  MASTER  OF
           to 120 mmHg. Based on their experience using digital   SCIENCE, Aug, 2014.
           tourniquets on patients in a clinical setting, Shaw et al. [19]
           reported pressures of 150 mmHg to be “very adequate”   Financial support and sponsorship
           to maintain hemostasis.                            This study was funded by a grant from  National
                                                              Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2017-005787).
           Tuncali  et al. [20]  reported  a method for estimation  of
           the arterial  occlusion  pressure; according  to these   Conflicts of interest
           principles  the pressure  necessary  to prevent digital   There are no conflicts of interest.
           blood flow ranges from 110 to 140 mmHg. In this study,
           the average pressures in the  rolled and untightened   Patient consent
           bandage group along the live finger were significantly
           higher than those for the adult finger model. Therefore,   Not applicable.
           dressing materials are not intended to be rolled up on   Ethics approval
           the finger in the clinical setting. Additionally, measured
           pressures in the child finger model (479.7 ± 420.8 mmHg,   All the procedures followed were in accordance with
           P < 0.001) were significantly higher than those for the   the ethical standards of the responsible committee on
           adult finger model (80.5 ± 32.1 mmHg). These results   human experimentation (institutional or regional) and
           support the need for great caution when using rolled   with the Helsinki Declaration when reporting studies on
           bandages in children. The pressures with the use of Co   human beings.
           were relatively higher than those for rolled Ph, which
           is thought to be due to the thickness of the dressing.   REFERENCES
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