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Walter et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2017;4:49-53                                       Plastic and
           DOI: 10.20517/2347-9264.2017.08
                                                                                  Aesthetic Research

            Case Report                                                                         Open Access

           Unilateral rhinophyma: report of a case and


           Scott Walter , Steven Krueger , Jonathan Ho , Kavitha K. Reddy
           1 Department of Dermatology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 02118, USA.
           2 University of Massachusetts Medical School, 55 N Lake Ave, Worcester, MA 01655, USA.
           Correspondence to: Dr. Kavitha K. Reddy, Department of Dermatology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 02118, USA.
           How to cite this article: Walter S, Krueger S, Ho J, Reddy KK. Unilateral rhinophyma: report of a case and review. Plast Aesthet Res 2017;4:49-53.
            Article history:              Rhinophyma is a less-common subtype of rosacea that presents as thickened skin with
            Received: 08-02-2017          enlarged sebaceous glands that may progress to large bulbous growths with dilated pores
            Accepted: 14-03-2017          on the nose. Rhinophyma can lead to morbidity aesthetically and sometimes functionally.
            Published: 22-03-2017         The prevalence of rosacea ranges from 1% to 20%. The exact pathogenesis is not known, but
                                          potential factors include altered circulation, changes in microorganisms and/or alterations in
            Key words:                    immunity. Here the authors present a unique case where a patient presented with unilateral
            Rosacea,                      rhinophyma: a presentation warranting work up to rule out other more worrisome entities.
            phymatous rosacea

           INTRODUCTION                                       this subtype occurs on the nose, phymatous rosacea
                                                              can also occur more rarely on the chin (gnathophyma),
           Rhinophyma is the most prevalent presentation of the   ears (otophyma), forehead (mentophyma), or eyelids
           phymatous  subtype of rosacea. Rosacea  subtypes   (blepharophyma). Rhinophyma can occur in isolation
           include  erythematotelangiectatic type (type 1),   and its severity does not always correlate with duration
           papulopustular rosacea (type 2), phymatous rosacea   of disease.  It is no longer thought to be an end stage
           (type 3) and ocular rosacea (type 4).  Phymatous   of rosacea. [2]
           rosacea is characterized early by prominent follicular
           pores  or patulous  follicles  with mild  swelling  while   Here we present a case of a patient with unilateral
           advanced disease reveals pronounced hyperemic skin   rhinophyma of the right nasal ala. This is an unusual
           thickening, irregular surface nodularities representing   presentation for which we believe this is the first report,
           sebaceous gland hypertrophy and eventual distortion   as we cannot find any other reports in the literature.
           of the nasal surface architecture.  It typically occurs
           on the nose as a bulbous irregular growth with dilated   CASE REPORT
           pores and background  telangiectasia. Occasionally
           very advanced disease may lead to nasal obstruction   A 77-year-old  male with a medical history of
           and sleep apnea.  While rhinophyma refers to when   hypertension  and chronic  kidney disease  presented
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