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           Agrawal et al.                                                                                                                                                                         Complications of Medpor  implants
           The authors prefer using a derma-fat graft as a filler   Manuscript’s writing  and  editing:  K.  Agrawal,  R.
           and spacer until definitive augmentation surgery can   Shrotriya
           be done after four to six months. The graft provides
           temporary  support  and avoids  dorsal  depression  in   Financial support and sponsorship
           the  intervening  period  before  the  definitive  surgery   None.
           is performed. It also avoids adhesion of the thinned-
           out dorsal skin to the dorsum, and the dermis of the   Conflicts of interest
           derma-fat graft provides good thickness to the dorsal   There are no conflicts of interest.
           skin. It allows the resolution of the infection and, during
           the later surgery,  provides an easy dissecting plane   Patient consent
           between the dorsum and fat, thereby avoiding further
           complications.                                     Obtained.

                                                              Ethics approval
           Extensive online literature search on PubMed yielded
           no references on ways to remove Medpor implants.   Obtained.
           Although the authors developed  this technique  for
           removal of  nasal dorsal implants, it  has also been   REFERENCES
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