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Khan Volume difference management in asymmetrical breasts
Table 1: Average distribution of age and size of the Table 2: Comparative analysis of implants sizes used
implants used in 240 patients who presented with in patients with symmetrical and asymmetrical breasts
asymmetrical breasts and compared with the mean age who were treated with mammoplasty alone
and size of implants used in 1,210 symmetrical breasts Symmetrical P
Same size implants Different size implants breasts (n = 1,210) Asymmetrical breasts value
(n = 1,210) (n = 240) Average size of implants
Age (years) used on right (n = 240)
Range 18-67 18-53 Range (mL) 170-700 200-605
Mean ± SD 29.7 ± 8.71 29.3 ± 7.94 Mean ± SD 341.5 ± 57.96 343.4 ± 66.24 0.650
Implant size (mL) Right Left Same size implants Average size of implants
Range 170-700 200-605 170-655 (n = 1,210) used on left (n = 240)
Mean ± SD 341.5 ± 57.96 343.4 ± 66.24 352.9 ± 86.56 Range (mL) 170-700 170-655
Mean ± SD 341.5 ± 57.96 352.9 ± 86.56 0.052
Table 3: Relative distribution and comparative analysis
of implants used in asymmetrical breasts Mean size implants used was 314.0 ± 75.1 mL (range
Implants on Implants on P value 200-495 mL) on right and 339.0 ± 99.7 mL on left.
right side (mL) left side (mL)
Group A1 (n = 145) 358.6 ± 63.37 317.0 ± 62.51 0.001 This group was further divided into B1 and B2.
Group A2 (n = 95) 329.3 ± 64.09 407.8 ± 89.53 0.001 Subgroup B1 included 7 patients who had larger
implants on the right. In this subgroup, mean size of
implants on the left side. In this group, mean size the implant on the right side was 334.0 ± 52.2 mL as
of the implants on the left was 407.8 ± 89.5 mL as compared to 270.0 ± 42.7 mL on the left side. There
compared to 329.3 ± 64.1 mL on the right side. There was a statistical difference between the implant sizes
was a significant statistical difference between the used on two sides (P = 0.027). Subgroup B2 included
sizes of the implants used on the two sides in both 13 patients who had larger implant on the left side
subgroups (P = 0.001 and 0.001 respectively) [Table 3 and mean size in this subgroup was 377.0 ± 102.4 mL
and Figures 1 and 2]. on left as compared to 297.0 ± 82.1 mL on the right.
There was a statistical difference on the two sides (P
Group B = 0.037) [Tables 4 and 5].
Of 137 augmentation mammoplasty with mastopexy,
20 patients presented with significant asymmetry of Group C
breasts and treated with different size implants with Of the 150 augmentation mastopexy, 18 patients
same size breast tissue reduction. The group had a presented with significant asymmetry with ptosis and
mean age of 31.6 ± 10.1 years (range 18-51 years). had same size implants with more tissue removed
Figure 1: (A-C) A 23-year-old patient with moderate asymmetry of breast with no nipple level asymmetry. Her left breast is moderately
larger than right; (D-F) 6 months postoperative views showing results following 330 mL and 360 mL high profile round textured cohesive gel
silicone implants on her left and right side respectively
110 Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ July 19, 2017