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Jun Multipotency and secretome of ADSC
multi-lineage cells isolated from adipose tissues Financial support and sponsorship
called stromal vascular fractions, which are assumed None.
to be stem cells and named the cells “processed
lipoaspirate.” Lately, these “processed lipoaspirate” Conflicts of interest
cells have come to be called adipose tissue-derived
stromal cells, or adipose tissue-derived stem cells There are no conflicts of interest.
(ASCs). [4,5] These cells, after being extracted and
separated from adipose tissue, show stable growth Patient consent
and proliferation in culture environments, and have the Not applicable.
capability of differentiating into various cell types, just
like marrow stem cells. [6] Ethics approval
Not applicable.
The authors reviewed 118 articles regarding ASCs using
PubMed and Cochrane databases. They summarized:
(1) immunophenotypic properties; (2) cellyield; (3) REFERENCES
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Authors’ contributions Chen H, Mao Q, Chen D. Comparative analysis of mesenchymal stem
cells fromadult mouse adipose, muscle, and fetal muscle. Mol Biol
Y.J. Jun contributed solely to the paper. Rep 2013;40:885-92.
Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ June 27, 2017 105