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Khan                                                                                                                                                     Volume difference management in asymmetrical breasts

           INTRODUCTION                                       hand side. Group C included patients who presented
                                                              with breast asymmetry with ptosis and had same size
           Breast and chest asymmetries are common and have   implants  on  both  sides  with  different  volume  breast
           been documented in aesthetically perfect  models as   reduction on one side to correct asymmetry. Group
           well as randomly selected females through public   C was further divided into C1 and C2. C1 included
           advertisement. [1,2]                               patients who had more tissue removed from right side
                                                              than the left and C2 included patients who had more
           Randomly selected patients presenting for augmentation   tissue removed from the left side.
           mammoplasty    had   their  preoperative  pictures
           retrospectively analysed by independent observers. [3]   Statistical analysis
           Breast and chest asymmetries also were prospectively   The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package
           recorded using detailed physical examination and   for the Social  Sciences  (SPSS), version  19.0.  The
           measurements. Data was analysed and reported along   results are presented in the text as frequency,
           with  the  relative  prevalence  and  distribution  of  the   percentage  for  qualitative/categorical  variable
           larger side involved in these asymmetrical cases.  All   (smoking, difference in implant size) and mean ± SD
           published articles in last 6 decades may have reflected   for quantitative/continuous  variables  (age, implant
           from different angle highlighting various aspect and   size, and tissue removed, etc.). The statistical analysis
           asymmetries of chest and breasts but one thing was   was performed using the Chi-square test of proportion
           commonly shared by all these authors was that breast   for the comparison of qualitative/categorical variables
           and chest asymmetries are very common. However     and  the  t-test for the comparison  of quantitative/
           there  is  a  lack  of  information  on  different  volume   continuous variables. A P-value < 0.05 was assumed
           implants used or different volume reductions performed   to be statistically significant.
           for the management of these asymmetries when these
           patients presents for augmentation mammoplasty
           or  one  stage  augmentation  mammoplasty  with    RESULTS
           mastopexy.  The current article highlights volume
           management in 278 such patients who had different   Since  2005, 1,450 patients  had augmentation
           size implants or different weight tissue resection for   mammoplasty  and  150  patients  had  augmentation
           asymmetry correction.                              mammoplasty with mastopexy in muscle splitting
                                                              biplane pocket. Of these 1,600 patients, 278 patients
           METHODS                                            presented with significantly noticeable asymmetry and
                                                              were operated for augmentation mammoplasty alone
           In current study for breast volume  difference     or augmentation mammoplasty with mastopexy.
           management,  retrospectively collected  data was
           analysed. All patients had round cohesive gel textured   Group A
           implants placed in muscle splitting biplaner pocket and   Of  1,450  patients  who  had  augmentation
           single surgeon consecutively performed all surgeries.   mammoplasty  alone, 240  patients  presented  with
           Patients presenting with breast asymmetry  requiring   significantly  noticeable  breast  volume  asymmetries
           different size implants alone, mastopexy with different   without noticeable nipple level asymmetries or ptosis.
           size implants and same size implants with different   Mean age of patients was 29.3 ± 7.9 years (range
           breast volume reduction for mastopexy were selected.   18-53 years). Mean size of the implant on the right
                                                              side was 343.4 ± 66.2 mL (range 200-605 mL) and
           The patients were  divided into 3 groups. Group  A   the mean size of implants on the left side was 352.9 ±
           included  patients  who  had  volumetric  difference   86.5 mL (range 170-655 mL). There was no statistical
           without ptosis and were treated with different size   difference when mean implant size of symmetrical
           implants alone. Group A was further divided into A1   augmentation mammoplasty was compared with
           receiving larger of the 2 implants on the right side   mean implant size used on right or left side in patients
           and A2 receiving larger of the 2 implants on the left   with asymmetrical breasts (P = 0.650 and 0.052
           side. Group B patients included who had volumetric   respectively) [Tables 1 and 2].
           difference  along  with  breast  ptosis  or  nipple  level
           difference.  The  group was  treated using  different   This group was further divided into  A1 and  A2.
           size  implants  for  volume  correction  with  similar  size   Subgroup A1  included  145  patients  who  had  larger
           tissue resection for mastopexy. This group was further   implants placed on right side. In this group of patients,
           divided into B1 and B2. B1 included patients who had   mean implant size used on the right was 358.6 ± 63.3 mL
           larger  size  implants  on  the  right  hand  side  and  B2   as compared to 317.0 ± 62.5 mL on the left side.
           included patients with larger implants placed on the left   Subgroup  A2  included  95  patients  who  had  larger
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