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Table 1: The admission of patients with snakebite injuries during the period of October 2012-October 2013
           Year          Month         In patient snake bite       ASV           Death    Referred to plastic surgery
                                       Adult         Pediatrics    given                  Pediatrics    Adult
           2012          October       23            3             10            1        1             4
           2012          November      16            2             8             2        0             1
           2013          December      15            5             5             1        1             1
           2013          January       10            1             3             1        0             2
           2013          February      16            2             9             2        0             4
           2013          March         9             4             7             2        0             1
           2013          April         11            7             10            1        1             4
           2013          May           44            8             34            3        1             5
           2013          June          119           2             22            0        1             4
           2013          July          22            2             20            0        0             4
           2013          August        27            1             20            2        1             5
           2013          September     19            3             15            0        0             2
           2013          October       20            4             11            2        1             3
           Total         13 months     351           44            174           17       7             40
           Number of patients          395                                                47
           ASV: anti-snake venom
           Table 2: The number of pediatric and adult patients
           referred to plastic surgery department with snake
           bite injuries
                    Cellulitis    Compartment  Surgery
                    Upper  Lower  Upper  Lower  Upper   Lower
                    limb  limb  limb  limb   limb    limb
           n        6     17    2     5      7       10
           Paediatrics 1  1     0     1      1       2
           Adult    5     16    2     4      6       8
           Total    23          7            17
           bleeding,  hypotension,  cardiotoxicity,  and  nephrotoxicity
           that  require  immediate  medical  attention.  Local  signs
           such   as   tissue   edema,   compartment   syndrome,   and
           tissue  necrosis  increases  the  morbidity  and  may  result  in
           fasciotomy or amputation of the involved extremity. [7,8]  Figure  1:  (a)  Compartment  syndrome  right  leg  and  foot  lateral  view;
                                                               (b)  compartment  syndrome  right  leg  and  foot  medial  view;  (c)  six
                                                               sessions following hyperbaric oxygenation therapy
           ASV  administration  can  reduce  progression  of  the  initial   and  tenderness  in  the  envenomated  extremity,  mimicking
           tissue  damage,  but  it  cannot  reverse  local  tissue  damage
           such    as    tissue    edema,    inflammation,    compartment   the initial signs of compartment syndrome. However, true
           syndrome, and necrosis.  Although inflammation induced   compartment syndrome is much less common.  In a case
           by   snake   envenomation   often   mimics   infection,   true   series  conducted  by  Tanen  et  al.,   only  8/236  (3.4%)  of
           bacterial  cellulitis  is  uncommon,  and  only  affects  3%  of   patients  received  a  fasciotomy  or  digital  dermotomy  for
           snakebites.   Tissues  at  the  point  of  envenomation  may   compartment  syndrome.  Measurement  of  compartment
           be  nonviable  regardless  of  intervention.  The  adjacent   pressures  prior  to  fasciotomy  is  always  recommended.
           zone   consists   of   variably   injured   tissues   that   may   Recent     literature     indicates     that     an     increase     of
           recover  if  the  process  of  inflammation  is  reduced.  Most   intracompartmental  pressures  of  up  to  30-45  mmHg  is
           therapeutic  maneuvers  are  focused  on  this  penumbra    an  absolute  indication  for  fasciotomy. [12,13]   Unfortunately,
           of tissue, in an attempt to maximize recovery of the injured   measurement   of   intracompartmental   pressure   is   not
           marginal   tissue.   Finally,   an   outer   zone   of   minimally   always  possible  in  a  number  of  medical  centers  in  India,
           injured  tissues  that  are  not  subject  to  primary  injury   and most of the diagnoses of compartment syndrome are
           may  be  at  risk  from  the  processes  of  secondary  injury   made on clinical grounds alone. Anz et al.  reported that
           resulting  from  the  delayed,  physiological  inflammatory   21.2% of all poisonous snake bites involve fingers. Fingers
           responses  to  snake  bite  injury.  Occasionally,  the  quantity   have   small   compartments   with   its   small   diameters,
           of tissue loss and destruction caused by secondary injury can    and  the  elastic  limit  of  the  skin  can  be  rapidly  reached.
           dwarf  the  actual  loss  from  the  primary  snakebite. Hence,    Compartment  pressure  measurement  may  not  be  feasible
           there  is  a  need  for  modalities  that  impede  the progress
           of  inflammation,  preserve  marginal  tissue  at risk,  and    in  cases  of  digital  envenomation,  and  the  diagnosis  of
           prevent  ischemic  advancement  of  the  injured tissue.  compartment  syndrome  can  only  be  made  on  clinical
                                                               grounds.   Some  authors  support  early  fasciotomy  in  the
           When compartment syndrome occurs in snakebite injuries,   treatment  of  all  cases  of  snake  bite  envenomation. [15,16]
           there  is  controversy  as  to  whether  or  not  fasciotomy  is   Fasciotomies are not without complication, and may result
           required.  Snakebite  injuries  can  produce  pain,  swelling,   in  disfiguring  scars,  contractures,  nerve  damage,  leading
           induration,  paresthesias,  color  changes,  absent  pulses,   to significantly lengthening of treatment. [7]
           Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 3 || Issue 2  || Feb 29, 2016                                              61
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