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Table 3: The number of pediatric and adult patients referred to plastic surgery department with snake bite injuries
         subjected to surgical intervention
         Age (years)/           Upper limb                          Lower limb             Surgery
         gender          Pediatric        Adult             Pediatric         Adult
         22/male                     Right thumb                                           Terminalization
         28/female                   Right-hand dorsum                                     Debridement and groin
                                                                                           flap cover
         32/male                     Right index finger                                     Terminalization
         8/male                                         Right foot dorsum                  Debridement and skin
         50/male                                                       Right second toe    Terminalization
         45/male                                                       Right leg lower     Debridement and ALT
                                                                       3rd lateral aspect  free tissue
         25/male                                                       Left 4th toe        Terminalization
         7/male      Left middle finger                                                     Terminalization
         32/female                   Right index finger                                     Debridement and cross
                                     MPX level                                             finger flap

         10/male                                        Left foot dorsum                   Debridement and skin
         26/male                                                       Right foot dorsum   Debridement and skin
         34/female                   Right ring fingertip                                   Debridement and cross
                                     region                                                finger flap

         35/female                                                     Right foot dorsum   Debridement and lateral
                                                                                           supramalleolar flap cover
         22/male                                                       Left foot great toe   Terminalization
         47/male                                                       Left leg middle     Debridement and skin
                                                                       3rd lateral aspect  grafting
         32/male                                                       Left foot little toe  Terminalization
         27/female                   Right thumb dorsal                                    Debridement and FDMA
                                     aspect                                                flap
         ALT: anterolateral thigh; MPX: middle phalanx; FDMA: first dorsal metacarpal artery

                                                             Figure 3: (a) Soft tissue defect right leg and ankle region; (b) anterolateral
                                                             thigh free tissue transfer done for the soft tissue defect

         Figure  2:  (a)  Day  1  following  snake  bite  injury;  (b)  day  2  following   later.  We  did  not  experience  any  complications  related to
         hyperbaric   oxygenation   therapy;   (c)   day   3   following   hyperbaric   HBO  therapy  in  our  series.  It  is  difficult  to  be  certain
         oxygenation therapy; (d) day 5 following hyperbaric oxygenation therapy;
         (e) wound following debridement and grafting        whether  in  the  absence  of  HBO  our  patients  treated
                                                             with snake  envenomation  injuries  would  have  progressed
         HBO  therapy  may  reduce  the  penumbra  of  cells  at risk
         for  delayed  necrosis  and  secondary  ischemia  in snakebite      to compartment syndrome or tissue necrosis.
         injury    patients    with    early    compartment syndrome,
         breathing  of  100%  oxygen  under  increased ambient    As  the  degree  of  cellulitis  and  its  severity  varied  from
         pressure  prevents  reperfusion  injury,  reduces tissue  edema,    patient  to  patient  as  did  the  timings  of  the  referrals,
         and  reverses  sublethal  tissue  damage. [15,16]  Vasoconstriction     there was no standardized starting point for HBO therapy.
         reduces   edema   and   tissue   swelling while  ensuring    Six  sessions  are  minimum  given  to  attain  a  tangible
         adequate  oxygen  delivery  in  snakebite wounds.   decrease in swelling. Assessment of sensory loss may not
                                                             be  possible  in  small  children,  and  hence  we  determine
         In  our  series,  23  patients  were  treated  for  cellulitis  and   the  treatment  endpoint  based  on  the  decrease  in  girth
         7 patients for compartment syndrome. In our experience,   of  the  limb  and  also  the  movement  of  the  toes.  HBO
         HBO therapy is a helpful tool when there is an impending   therapy  after  surgical  debridement,  skin  grafting  or  flap
         compartment  syndrome  that  may  require  a  fasciotomy   reduces edema of the inflamed operation site. Hence, we
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